Chapter 25: semi final

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Spain there a tough team hard to crack but if anyone can do it it's us. I'm sat in the changing rooms with both AirPods in trying to settle my nerves before the game. I'm starting again today sarina said she was impressed with my performance against Norway and wants me to play the full 90 which i'm over the moon about but I'd be lying if I said the pressure and the nerves aren't getting to me.

Girls gather in Leah says urging all of us to form a huddle In the middle of the changing room. "Right this is it the semi finals we have worked so hard to be here Spain are a tough team to play against there physical and will play dirty if they need to. We need to keep are heads and keep pushing we have beat them before and we can beat them again. Win or lose I'm proud of every single one of you here" Leah says pointing at everyone. "Right hands in England on 5" she says.
ENGLAND we all shout lifting are hands up in there air. "Come on girls" Leah shouts psyching us all up.

We make are way out ready to line up I can already hear the crowd screaming and chanting this is going to be quit the game. "You've got this beautiful I believe in you" Leah says walking past me taking my hand and giving it a squeeze before she heads off to the front of the line ready to lead the team out. This helps settle my nerves she always knows what to do to calm me down without me even saying anything.

I run over to my position scanning the crowd for cole as i do before every game. I spot him he's stood with Amanda and Jacob beer in hand looks like he's enjoying himself. The game kicks off and right from the get go Spain are all over us. You can see how much they want it but we want it more. Bonmati plays a ball over the top to Ona battle she starts to run down the wing with it. I run in and make a slide tackle knocking the ball out of play and taking her down in the process. "What the fuck was that" she says getting up and pushing me. "I got the ball don't cry about it" I say walking off. The ref comes over and gives Ona a warning for pushing me I stand there laughing. "Game on bennet" she says running past me. In the 30th minute Spain win a corner I'm marking ona the ball gets crossed in we both jump up for it I feel a pair of hands push me to the floor then I see Spain celebrating they scored and Ona's stood there with a smirk on her face. "What the fuck ref she just pushed me are u blind" I shout running over of the ref. "Walk away before you get a yellow" the ref says. "She fucking pushed me you see those 2 thing on your face there called eyes fucking use them" I shout. "Lexi calm down" Leah says pulling me away from the ref and apologising to him. "She fucking pushed me anyone with a pair of fucking eyes could see that the stupid prick" i say with nothing but anger in my voice. "Yes she did push you but there is nothing you can do about it just keep your cool we will get one back I promise" she says.

I run back to my position I lock eyes with Ona she's gives me a smirk and lets a little chuckle out this makes my blood boil. The game kicks off again there's only 10 minutes left of the first half. The ball gets played to me down the wing I sprint with it hoping to wip it in the box and find the head of someone. I swing my foot back and cross it into the box but as I do so I feel my legs get taken from underneath me and a sharp pain in my ankle the whole stadium erupts we must have scored but all I can think about is how much my ankle hurts. "Lexi are you ok what hurts" Lucy says bending down to my level. "Fucking ankle i say putting my hands over my face to hide my tears. "Ok the medics are on their way just hold on" Lucy says "Leah I need Leah get Leah" I say. "Leah come here stop shouting at Ona lex needs you" Lucy shouts. Ona of course if was her. "Hey babe it's ok can you stand" Leah says taking my hand in hers and stroking my hair. "I don't know" I say honestly.

The medics come over and push Leah and Lucy out the way which I didn't like. I hold my hand out for Leah to take it again which she does. "Ok Lexi what would you say the pain is out of 10" the medics say. "4 I'd say that a lie it's a solid 8 but I'm not going off and risking not playing in the finals no chance. "Ok we are going to stand you up and see if you can walk it off they say. I glance at Leah she gives me a stern look she can tell I'm playing this down but I don't care I need to keep playing. "I stand up clenching my jaw to hide the pain. "How does it feel can you carry on" the medics ask. "Ye all good no pain I say walking off in a whole load of fucking pain. "Lexi you need to go off if ur injured I know your lying" Leah says running up to me. "I'm fine really I can play on if it hurts I'll go off I promise" I say "fine but any pain at all your going off" she says in a serious tone. "I promise any pain I'm off. I play through the pain it getting worse as we go on. The whistle blows for half time we are 1-0 down and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't relived to hear the half time whistle the pain was getting too much.

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