The Time of the Angels part 1

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Fallon looks at the man in the bow tie, before she can react or find out what the hell is going on, she feels lips pressed against her, she freezes at that, and the man somehow senses her discomfort and pulls away, he frowns at her "Are you ok Lovely? Are you mad at me? What has my future or past self done.?"

A red headed girl next to him clears her throat speaking in a strong scottish accent "uh doctor, I think this is an early Fallon, she looks like a poor dear caught in headlights". A curly haired woman next to her hums in agreement "Mmm Amy is correct, this is first time Fallon, future Fallon told me about this". The man in the bow tie - or doctor as, the Redhead called him sighs and mutters which sounds like a whine to Fallon "oh yeah she tells you but not me."

The curly haired woman smirks at the man, likes she won some on going competition and the man in the bow tie makes a face back, Fallons voice breaks this ongoing dispute up "Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on? Who are you people? Do you just randomly kiss people you meet?"

The three of them look at Fallon sympathetically and the man speaks up, he reaches out to touch her but drops his hand "It's okay Fallon, first thing you are safe, I will properly explain everything in great detail later like you love, I'm the doctor, this is Amy" he says pointing to the red head and then points at the curly haired woman "and this is River Song, I know you have like a hundred questions and I know you won't be satisfied with what I am saying but I will answer what I can in short right now."

Fallon looks between the three of them and smiles slightly, she takes a moment thinking before she speaks "where am I? Why am I here? One minute I was in a gas station next I'm here, I would ask if this was a dream but knowing my life, nothing is ever that bloody easy."

The doctor smiles at her words fondly and says to her calmly "You're in another universe, definitely not dreaming, you touched a point in time that pulled you through to this world, you are now apart of this universe, I've known you for a very long time, I know you are scared deep down but I promise you start to love being here."

Fallon nods her head a little in slight acceptance for the time being, her mind still feels fuzzy but at least the pain has subsided, so she will accept it for the moment.

The curly haired lady called River interrupts Fallons thoughts by giving her hand a squeeze before she pulls out a small note book and and some sort of wrist contraption "These are yours future you gave them to me to give them to you, this book is where you write in each adventure to keep track and anything you foresee, you will understand in time, this is a vortex manipulator, you set the coordinates and it takes you there, keep them safe." River puts the vortex manipulator around Fallons wrist and pulls her sleeve back down and puts the small notebook in her pocket, which surprisingly fits.

Fallon jumps a little when she hears an explosion going off, The doctor smiles reassuringly at Fallon, he goes to say something when a man with a heavy glare speaks to the doctor "Doctor? We're through" The doctor nods "okay now it starts"

The doctor walks out the drop ship and pulls Fallon along by her hand glancing at her as he does , she's so young, I will need to try keep her with me , I remember how reckless young Fallon can be especially for others, the doctor thinks to himself.

Fallon doesn't stop him from taking her hand , for some strange reason it doesn't feel bad , despite not knowing the Damn man! Fallon glances at him and speaks again to him "so I'm in another universe, is it similar to mine or is there differences?" The doctor hums and says casually "The worlds are similar , well apart from this one has aliens and not the monsters etc you dealt with" Fallon Looks at him with wide eyes "aliens..? Did you just say aliens? Are you an alien ? Oh my god Sammy would be delighted with hearing aliens are real... oh my my Sammy and Dean , will I ever see them again? Are they safe? Please"

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