FLesh and Stone Part 1

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Fallon feels her back hit a hard floor and hears the doctor speak "Up. Look up." She watches as everyone struggles to their feet on an artificial surface, although the tunnel walls are the same. She doesn't make a move to get up just yet confused for a moment when she sees a hand held above her and sees River looking down at her "Are you okay?" Fallon takes her hand and gets up of the ground "Yeah I think so" Fallon looks around and at the same time her and Amy speak at the same "What happened?" They both ask, they both look at each other and smile, River glances at the two "We jumped." Amy nods still not fully taking in what happened "Jumped where?" The doctor scans his eyes up and down Fallon discreetly making sure she's ok and answers answers Amy with a swift "Up. Up. Look up." Amy does as he says but still asks "Where are we?" River moves over to Amy "Exactly where we were." Amy gives her a look "No we're not." The doctor hears this and fights the urge to roll his eyes at her "Move your feet."

He leans over and sonics a circular hatch in the floor, with six inset lights around it , Amy groans a little getting annoyed at not knowing the full picture "Doctor, what am I looking at?Explain" The Doctor stops and looks over at her "Oh, come on, Amy, think. The ship crashed with the power still on, yeah? So what else is still on?" Fallon stands quietly listening to this and then she looks about and then she clicks on "oh" she mutters, she realises they are standing upside down on the hull of the Byzantium.

The Doctor looks over at Fallon hearing the small oh from her mouth and can see the gears working in her mind and he grins at that "Fallon gets it, The artificial gravity. One good jump, and up we fell. Shot out the grav globe to give us an updraft, and here we are."

Octavian growing tired of this discussion and wanting to get moving interrupts saying to him "Doctor, the statues. They look more like Angels now." The doctor hums in agreement "They're feeding on the radiation from the wreckage, draining all the power from the ship, restoring themselves. Within an hour, they'll be an army." Just as he says this the circular hatch opens. and A light goes bang. Fallon flinches a little when it does , takes a deep breath and says a mantra in her head its okay Fallon keep focus stay fast , keep focus always. The doctor stops next to and squeezes her hand "They're taking out the lights. Look at them. Look at the Angels. Into the ship, now. Quickly, all of you." Amy exclaims "uh How?" As soon as she asks The Doctor drops through the open hatch into a circular corridor and from Amy's point of view, he is standing on the side of a vertical tube. "Doctor!" Amy says shocked at his quick move , the doctor however ignores her and gives his orders "It's just a corridor. The gravity orientates to the floor. Now, in here, all of you. Don't take your eyes off the Angels. Move, move, move." Everyone listens and does as he says.

Octavian looks over at his clerics "Okay, men. Go, go, go!" The doctor gets to work on a control panel , Fallon stands next to him and watches him, she feels like a spare part and she doesn't like that feeling she's used to doing something in dire situations. She's brought out her thoughts with Octavian asking "The Angels. Presumably they can jump up too?" The Hatch closes The doctor sighs "They're here, now. In the dark, we're finished." if things couldn't get any worse it does a bulkhead further along the corridor starts to close. The doctor grabs Fallon by her hand and starts to run "Run!" "This whole place is a death trap." Octavian retorts. They don't make it, it closes over "No, it's a time bomb. Well, it's a death trap and a time bomb. And now it's a dead end. Nobody panic. Oh, just me then. What's through here?" Fallon watches him ramble again definitely must be his thing she ponders. River glances over at him "Secondary flight deck."

Amy then realises something and needs to speak it "Okay. so we've basically run up the inside of a chimney, yeah? So what if the gravity fails?" The doctor nonchalantly tells her "I've thought about that." Amy pushes more "And?" Fallon says "We die" at the same time as The doctor says "And we'll all plunge to our deaths. See? I've thought about it. The security protocols are still live. There's no way to override them. It's impossible."

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