The Lazarus Experiment Part 1

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The burning feeling recites and the glowing light on her skin slowly dissipates, Fallon grumbles and manages to lift her head to look around... she's in a flat that much she can tell, but who's? She manages to get up onto her feet, and walks around the flat, where is she? The doctor told her he's never far behind, wonder where he is? That's if he told the truth? But then he didn't seem like he would lie to her... but then everyone lies.. Fallon shakes the thoughts away.

She walks over to a table and sees some photographs, a pretty looking family by the looks of it, she spots a frame with a picture of two young woman and a young man, she picks it up and notices on the frame it says in fancy writing brother & sisters, she frowns a little, making her think of Dean & Sam... how are they? Are they okay? She just wants to be back with them.

She puts the frame down when she clocks a pile of letters, she picks one of the letter up and reads the name on it, Martha Jones? Who is she? Must be the owner of the flat, hopefully she knows me and I'm not about to jailed for housebreaking.. that would be something arrested in a world you don't exist in technically.

Fallon wanders around some more when she finds herself in the kitchen, her stomach rumbles, she's starving, really starving, only decent thing she finds is a microwaveable noodles, she settles on her one of the couches with them and a packet of pickles chips/crisps whatever you want to call them..and waits...

Sometime later she hears a wheezing noise and she can't help but stare as the big blue box that's she's been told is the Tardis appears in front of her, damn that blue box is amazing.

She hears a young woman speaking as she comes out the door "Home. You took me home?" The doctor nods not seeing the frown on the girls face "In fact, the morning after we left, so you've only been gone about twelve hours. No time at all, really."

Martha sighs "But all the stuff we've done. Shakespeare, New New York, old New York?"

The doctor nods "Yep, all in one night, relatively speaking. Everything should be just as it was. Books, CDs, laundry. So, back were you were, as promised."

Fallon can't hold it in any longer and has to interrupt this conversation "Shakespeare?"

The doctor and Martha turn towards her "Spoilers" they both say at the same time and Fallon frowns "yip really hate that word"

The doctor grins at Fallon, and then he pulls out a note book from his pocket, "Fallon... so good to see you again... beautiful as always, where you last been.. obviously not Shakespeare yet"

Fallon looks between the two of them "well actually this, I've never met either of you yet, this is my first proper jump" Fallon watches as the man's face drops a little, before he puts a forced smile on his face "No matter, time for an proper introduction, I'm the doctor, this is my tenth face and next to me is Martha, she's already met you"

Fallon smiles and gives a slight wave to the girl "nice to meet you both I suppose... sorry Martha I helped myself to food.. Oi come to think of it doctor, future you didn't tell me jumping made me really hungry" The doctor laughs a little "Yeah future you learnt to carry some sort of food with her" Fallon nodded "noted."

Martha cleared her throat and looked at the doctor in disbelief "This is it?" The glances at Fallon and back at Martha and tugs at his ear "Yeah, I should probably er-" He is interrupted at making up an excuse when Martha's phone rings and the answering machine starts up.

Martha's voice presumably comes on the machine "Hi, I'm out. Leave a message." Martha glances at them both wincing in embarrassment "I'm sorry."Fallon flashes a smile at her.

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