Asylum of the Daleks Part 2

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The doctor lays Amy down gently on the teleport pad and Rory is immediately at her side, "what's wrong with her?" Rory asks the doctor, The doctor looks up at Rory "She lost her wristband" the doctor explains to him pausing slightly before continuing "The nano cloud is starting to convert her into... a dalek" Fallon raises her eyebrows in surprise at that before she clocks the doctor walking towards her, he stops in front of her and they both have similar relief in their eyes seeing each other again, he glances at her up and down checking that she is unharmed, she is apart from her hands and she still has the bracelet on, he stares for a moment longer and can't help himself in fact at that moment he just doesn't care, he's just so relieved too see her, he reaches out and pulls her toward him and kisses her, she taken back by surprise but finds herself slightly kissing him back for a moment, until he pulls away and turns back to the other trying his hardest to ignore her blush.

Fallon just stares at his back for a moment did she just kiss him back? Why did she do that? Oh god. She shakes the thoughts away she can deal with all that later, she glances at the sleeping Amy worriedly, especially now with the bracelet no longer on her wrist, Rory looks just as worried, he glances over at both Fallon and the doctor and asks "Will sleeping help her? Will it slow down the process?"

"You'd better hope so" Oswins voice comes over the the intercom. "Because pretty soon she's going to try and kill you."

"That's not really helping" Fallon mutters. "Just saying" Oswin responds back.

Fallon sits down next to the sleeping Amy and frowns before looking down at the nano bracelet she's wearing deep in thought Amy is still just a young girl, who is important to this universe, unlike her- she doesn't even belong here. Fallon glances over at the doctor, he's looking elsewhere, she slips her bracelet of her wrist ignoring the pain in her hands and slips it onto Amy's wrist.

They all hear a groan and look back down at Amy starting to come to "Amy." The doctor called softly and the redhead groaned again "Ow." Amy mumbles.

"Amy" The doctor sighed "Still with us?" Rory then leans down close to Amy as the redheads eye flutter open "Amy, it's me. Do you remember me?" Rory asks her just as she leans up and slaps him. Fallon snorts a little "honestly did not see that one coming"

"She remembers me" Rory declares to them, Fallon grins a little at that, "Same old Amy." The doctor adds in fondly.

The relief was short lived when Oswins voice comes through again "Do you know how you make someone into a Dalek?" She pauses for a moment before continuing "Subtract love, add anger. Doesn't she seem a bit too angry to you?"

"Well" Amy huffed and glances away from the others "somebody's never been to Scotland." She grumbled out as Rory held out his hand to assist her up, but quickly drops it when she sends a glare his way.

Fallon stood and watched the pair of them dancing around their feelings and mutters "Amy's going to be fine" The three of them turn and glance at her and the doctor comes right up close to her "you sound a little to confident on that Lovely.. I have an idea why" He gently pulls her sleeve up and holds her now bare wrist, he shakes his head trying to not get too angry, Amy gasps in shock when she looks at her own wrist that now has the bracelet on it "You gave me your bracelet, what are you playing at?" Fallon shrugs "it was the right thing to do" Amy looks at her surprised but then it turns to worry "Fallon.." Amy start but the doctor quickly interrupts scoffing.

The doctor leans closer to Fallon "right thing to do?! What part is that the right thing to do? You don't even know if that will even make a difference?!" He exclaims to her angrily, she pushes away from him "I get to decide what I want to do! And Amy is important and a part of this world.. I'm...I'm not!" The doctor is taken back her words and frowns his anger dispersing slightly " are important... very" He runs a finger a long her cheek "you are now a part of this world, for a very long time now, meaning anything you do, or say means something" he moves his hand away before continuing "you taking that bracelet is very dangerous, your body is still changing, being exposed now could overwhelm you and you could.." he trails of unable to say the words and instead tells her "you can put mine on"

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