Tooth and claw part 1

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She land's unceremoniously on her bum in a bit of a blurred haze, when it clears she notices that she's now in her bedroom on the Tardis, she just doesn't know when and what doctor, she wonders how many faces of his she has met, what if it's one that's not met her?

She gets up off the ground and her stomach rumbles damn jumps really do make her hungry, she really should of went to the kitchen before the library she clocks a box with a bow wrapped around it sitting on her bed, she walks over to it and lifts up the gift tag on it and reads it To Fallon, this will come in handy, love from your River xx ps don't tell the doctor.

Huh she only met This River once well so far.. she opens up the gift box lid to see what was in it and she finds a silver knife, the pattern had a pretty pattern engraved on it, circular symbols, ones she has seen around the Tardis come to think of it, she picks up out the box and pulls it out the sheath, before slipping it back into it, she thinks to herself nice one River, can see why I really like you in the future.

She decides to put the knife down in her boot and heads out her bedroom, she glances at the ceiling "can you lead me to him love?" The Tardis hums and lights up the way, leading Fallon to the main door, she shrugs and opens it to head out it, when suddenly there's a few guns pointed in her face.

"Woah woah, don't point them at her either" a New voice jumps in, which Fallon quickly realises is the doctor, using a broad scottish accent, Fallon raises an eyebrow at that. "Will you explain to me who this lassie in boys clothes is?" The man on horseback asks sternly staring at Fallon up and down.

"Aye sir" The doctor continues in the scottish accent. "This is Fallon McCrimmon, my wife she's a little bit oot there, can never get her too do as she's told, she's been helping me chase this wee Timorous beastie about!" The doctor nods towards A blonde haired girl who pipes up "Och, aye! I've been oot and aboot." Fallon snorts a little at the poor attempt at a Scottish accent and the doctor gives her a shake of his head "No, don't do that." He mutters back. "Hoots mon." She tries again, "No, really don't. Really." He says looking at her pointedly.

Fallon laughs a little before wondering who this blonde girl was, The doctor pulls out the psychic paper "anyway as I said, I'm Doctor James McCrimmon, from the township of Balamory, here's my credentials again" he holds it up "As you can see, a Doctorate from the University of Edinburgh. I trained under Doctor Bell himself." I so need one of those, Fallon contemplates.

"Let them approach." A regal voice comes from the carriage nearby, Fallon glances over wondering who it is, "I don't think that's wise, ma'am." The man on the horse cautioned. "Let them approach" The voice repeats more firmly this time around, The man's hands tighten around the reins he's holding but he does not deny the voices commands this time around, "You will approach the carriage, and show all due deference." The man tells them clearly and the doctor steps forward and motions for them to follow him, The doorman opens the door and reveals a very regal woman sitting in the carriage.

"Fallon, Rose" The doctor looks at the excitedly. "Might I introduce her Majesty Queen Victoria. Empress of India and Defender of the Faith."

"Holy shit" Fallon mutters, she can't believe she's standing in front of a queen, a literal queen, and she's just said holy shit to her! The queen gives her a bit of an amused look  "Yes quite out there indeed, aren't you?" Fallon nods "uh Yes" The doctor grins down at her. When the blonde girl speaks up again "Rose Tyler, Ma'am. And my apologies for being so naked." She politely tells the queen.

"I've had five daughters. It's nothing to me." She replies back curtly. "But you, Doctor. Show me these credentials." She demands holding her hand out for them. She certainly doesn't waste time Fallon notices. The doctor hands her the psychic paper, she looks down at it and her eyebrows raise in surprise "Why didn't you say so immediately? It states clearly here that you have been appointed by the Lord Provost as my Protector." She says in surprise.

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