A Winchester meets a mummy on a Train Part 1

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Fallon watches as Clara walks into her compartment and closes the door on them leaving Fallon and the doctor in the hallway, Fallon let's out a sigh certainly need to work on that friendship, maybe I can change whatever future me did... Fallon comes out her thoughts when she notices the doctor staring down at her "what..?" She asked him.

"No." He replied back firmly. She gives him a look "what do you mean no?" He steps closer to her "I mean No to what you are thinking, you project to easily, look Lovely I know you want to change things to being better but what happened on that last trip was more down to me than you, well future you." He explains to her, his tone going softer.

Fallon just sighs and he presses a hand to her back and starts to lead her to another room "come let's retire for the time being."

As she enters the room "wait, so we are sharing a room?" She asked him. "Yes of course that's what married people tend to do." He answered back nonchalantly. She gives him a look "yeah but that's just a cover?" He stares back at her for a moment "of course, that's what I meant..that they believed our cover." He mutters before turning away and curses himself for that slip up, he would expect that from a younger him.

Fallon decides to drop it for the time being and move on to like a mummy on a train. She watches as the doctor lies down on the bed and decides to join him by lying next to him. She feels slightly nervous lying down next to him on a bed, he can feel the nerves coming off her in strong waves, she's once again projecting to him, he rolls his eyes but still he reaches out and takes her hand in his and runs a thumb over it, her nerves start to ease with his touch surprisingly, despite only meeting this version of the doctor.

They remain silent for a moment on the bed, when Fallon speaks up. "We are going to talk about the elephant in the room right?" Fallon turns her head to the side to look at him. "And by elephant I mean The mummy on the train." The doctor rolls his eyes starts to mutter "It's nothing. Nothing. Definitely. Sure. Ninety nine percent sure. Really?" Fallon starts to realise he's actually having a debate with himself. "Ninety nine percent? That's quite high. Is that the figure you're sticking with? Okay, okay. Seventy five. Well, that's jumped quite a bit. You've just lost twenty four percent."

Fallon sighs and listens to him rambling on waiting for him to get his conclusion, so then they can get right too investigating.

Back in Clara's sleeping compartment

She's lying on the phone in the silk Pyjamas that were provided for her "A train in space? Sounds pretty cool." Her boyfriend Danny says to her on the phone. Clara sighs "So, what are you saying? Just because he brought me somewhere cool, I shouldn't dump them both?"

"Well, one, you can't dump either of them because they aren't your boyfriend and girlfriend and two they are already married." Danny reminds her, before he adds "You all still basically get on."

Clara is silent for a moment "Yeah, we do but they really hurt me, especially Fallon, I never expected her go at me like that."

Danny sighs down the phone "I think you should just enjoy your space Train." He pauses for a moment before adding "At least it's not dangerous."

"Yeah. It's pretty boring, really." She tells Danny, despite saying that she can't stop thinking about the mummy and she knows for a fact that the doctor and Fallon will be thinking the same thing.

Back at Doctor & Fallons sleeping compartment

"Because you know what this sounds like, don't you? No, do tell me. A mummy that only the victim can se-" his words are cut off with something being thrown over his head, he pulls it down and notices it's his jacket and Fallon is now standing staring at him when did she stand up? He wonders. "lovely..what are you doing?"

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