The Lazarus Experment Part 3

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Martha sprints for the stairs towards the roof and the doctor and Fallon follow her, as they reach the door of the roof, The doctor turns and urges them both to be quiet as they slip onto the roof, just in time to hear Lazarus flirting with Tish.

She had to admit the view of city from the roof was breathtaking, she was pulled from they thoughts when she head Lazarus speaking a passage she was surprisingly familiar with "There's always something to surprise you. Between the idea and the reality, between the motion and the act-"

"-Falls the Shadow." Fallon finishes off for him without hesitation before she notices the looks she's getting from the others "what? I read"

"Feisty, beautiful and knows her Eliot" Lazarus leered at her making Tish bristle with jealousy and making the doctors look grow darker "I'm impressed"

"I'm much more than that, and you don't impress me at all" Fallon snaps back as the doctor gives a small snort of laughter at her words. Lazarus raises and an eyebrow and Fallon can feel his interest deepen further like it's crawling on her skin, making her want to scrub it off.

"Martha, what are you doing here?" Tish hisses, giving her sister a glare. Martha turns to her sister and tries to pull her away warning her quietly "Tish, get away from him." Her sister looks at her surprised and then her look turns to one of being insulted "What? Don't tell me what to do."

"I wouldn't have thought you had time for poetry, Lazarus, what with you being busy defying the laws of nature and all." The doctor says dryly to him. Fallon keeps her eyes on Lazarus, she's got a really bad feeling something is going to happen I wish I had a weapon on me, I need to see about getting one if I'm going to be in this world, the thought going through her mind.

"You're right, Doctor. One lifetime's been too short for me to do everything I'd like. How much more I'll get done in two or three or four." Lazarus muses smugly making Fallon want to just smack him hard.

"Doesn't work like that. Some people live more in twenty years than others do in eighty. It's not the time that matters, it's the person." The doctor tries to argue back gently, trying to be less confrontational but finding it hard with the leered looks Lazarus keeps giving Fallon.

"But if it's the right person" Lazarus countered right back "what a gift that would be." Fallon could not believe the nerve of this guy. Reminds her of someone back in her universe so egotistical and self absorbed

The doctor scoffs "Or what a curse. Look at what you've done to yourself."

Lazarus face drops and gives the doctor a look of distain "Who are you to judge me?" He asked the doctor, shaking with barely contained anger, Fallon could feel it, it was like a burning fire just waiting to explode.

"Over here, Tish." Martha says to her sister urging her come towards her. Tish walks towards her upset with unshed tears in her eyes "You have to spoil everything, don't you?" Tish shakes her head as she continues "Every time I find someone nice, you have to go and find fault."

Fallon rolls her eyes "seriously? Is people in this world just stupid? I'm sure you can do better than Hugh Hefner JR over there" Tish whips round and gives Fallon a offended glare, "I know the age thing's a bit freaky, but it works for Catherine Zeta-Jones." Tish huffs at them.

Lazarus body starts to spasm and his bones start to crack, the doctor clears his throat to get their attention and they turn in time to see Lazarus transformation, "oh crap" Fallon exclaims when she sees that Lazarus is now a massive butt ugly bony scorpion with a human face.

"Still feeling him?" Fallon quips at Tish. The doctor grabs Fallons hand and rushes for the roof door "Run!"

Martha and her sister were first through the doors, then the doctor he yanks Fallon through after him, he quickly sonics the roof door shut, Fallon can tell that it won't keep that monstrous creature out but least it will buy them some time.

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