Time of the Angels Part 2

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All Fallon can think is what a climb this is, she really needs to be fit if this is what's expected, she is suddenly pulled out her thoughts by Amy "Are we there yet? It's a hell of a climb, what do you think Fallon?" Fallon gives Amy a small smile and listens to River telling them "The Maze is on six levels, representing the ascent of the soul. Only two levels to go"

Fallon groans slightly at the thought of that. "Really..? I feel like I've been doing this for far too long, like longer than my patience"

The doctor chuckles at Fallon dramatic comment and bops her on the nose again, Fallon wrinkles her nose as he does that and he smiles fondly at her thinking how cute she looks "Lovely species, the Aplans. We should visit them some time" "I thought they were all dead?" Amy responds to him, Fallon nods in agreement with a little confused about his comment.

"So is Virginia Woolf. Fallon and I are on her bowling team. Well that was until she flirted with Fallon... oops spoilers ... though was Very relaxed, sort of cheerful. Well, that's having two heads, of course. You're never short of a snog with an extra head." The doctor rambles on as Fallon gives him a weird look she's sure she's never met Virginia Woolf or been on a bowling team.

She looks around at the statuses again two heads...two heads, she continues to think in her head. River comes up next to them "Doctor, there's something. I don't know what it is."

Fallon without realising she's doing it moves closer to the doctor and she feels his hand linking with hers, she's not sure if it's to comfort her or him at this point, "Yeah, there's something wrong. Don't know what it is yet, either. Working on it. Of course, then they started having laws against self-marrying. I mean, what was that about? But that's the Church for you. Er, no offence, Bishop." The doctor responds in a bit a winded ramble, Fallon glances at him he sure rambles a lot.

Octavian scoffs slightly at the throw away comment "Quite a lot taken, if that's all right, Doctor. Lowest point in the wreckage is only about fifty feet up from here. That way." Amy grins a little "The Church had a point, if you think about it. The divorces must have been messy" Fallon looks at the doctor and says offhandedly "you know it's weird how all the statues here only has one head, when your aplans have two heads" The doctor freezes at that "oh" Amy whips round to look at them "What's wrong?" River looks about and clicks on too "oh" The collective penny has finally dropped.

"Exactly" The doctor says flashlight darting around the place. "How could we have not noticed that?" River asks him, the doctor looks at her before replying back "Low level perception filter, or maybe we're thick ..." The doctor presses a kiss to the side of Fallons head and whispers "amazing thought process as usual Lovely, please stay close" Fallon won't argue with that.

Octavian walks back and looks around and then back at the doctor "What's wrong, sir?" "Nobody move. Nobody move. Everyone stay exactly where they are. Bishop, I am truly sorry. I've made a mistake and we are all in terrible danger." The doctor exclaims to the group, Octavian still not clocking on looks at them confused "What danger?" Fallon rolls her eyes at his damn dumbness "chuck sake look around , look bloody closely"
The doctor squeezes her hand and whispers in her ear "Easy lovely easy" Fallon sighs and keeps quiet as River tries to explain to Octavian "The Aplans"Octavian still not getting it "The Aplans?" Fallon rolls her eyes again and River suppresses a smirk at her, "They've got two heads." Octavian still not grasping the situation continues on "Yes, I get that. So?"

The doctor butts in "So why don't the statues? Everyone, over there. Just move. Don't ask questions, don't speak" everyone listens to the doctor and they move into an alcove away from the statues.

Fallon feels an ache at the back of her neck before it's gone, she thinks back to flashes she got earlier with necks snapping, she shivers at the thoughts, she brought back to reality by the doctor informing everyone "Okay, I want you all to switch off your torches." One of the clerics who Fallon learns name is Marco looks worried about that "Sir?" Doctor adamantly tells them "Just do it. Okay. I'm going to turn off this one too, just for a moment." River shakes her head and sighs "Are you sure about this?" "No..." as he says that the light goes out then back in an instant. Fallon flinches when Amy grabs onto her arm "Oh, my God. They've moved."

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