Part 3

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"This belonged to Katherine. Found it in her things after I thought she was dead, but it was hers." Stefan walks over, showing the picture to all of us. It's a photograph of Katherine in black and white, extremely old but still in good condition. Stefan must have really cared for her to keep the photo, maybe even loved her.

"Let's do this." Bonnie says as she takes the photo out of Stefan's hand. She looks at it for a second before placing it in a bowl, dripping some water on to it then setting it on fire. She starts to chant a spell as the flames engulf the picture.

"What will this do?" Damon and Manuel ask at the same time.

"I can turn the metal to ash. Blow the ashes on her, it will incapacitate her for a minute or two. Long enough for you to get the stone and get out." Bonnie replies. A drop of blood drips from her nose but she wipes it away quick enough that none of the others see.

"Right. Well let's get ready. I don't really want to see Katrina without a plan." Manuel states and I nod in agreement.

"Yeah. She's a bitch. Always with about seven back up plans to her already good first one." Aaron says. I give him a slight slap on the back of the head, not happy he is dragging the already low moral down even more.

I stand, shortly followed by my siblings. "Let's go."

We arrive at the tomb, ready with hundreds of different plans to get the moonstone, armed with ashes and stakes. What could possibly go wrong?

"This is so bloody stupid. We are going to die. And what for? A fucking stone that's better off inside the tomb so that no sane vampire would go and get it." Aaron complains, and now I can't even argue with him. Someone is definitely going to die if we try this. We haven't planned properly and Katherine has had all the time in the world to prepare for something like this. As well as that, Bonnie is in no way shape or form able to do to the spell to open the tomb. Especially since last time Bonnie did this, she wasn't strong enough to do it with her Grams which resulted in her death. Now it's just her doing it alone. I can only hope Bonnie sees sense before killing herself.

And Aaron's right. No sane vampire would go into the tomb where they can't get out for the sake of the moonstone. In some twisted, weird way, it's safer in the tomb with Katherine than it will ever be out here.

My phone starts ringing and I look to see Damon is calling me.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Elena, she's gone with Rose to try and get in contact with Klaus. Can you come? Try to convince her that doing this won't solve any problems, just make more." Damon practically pleads.

I scoff, looking over at Veronique, who is also here. Manuel and Dara had stayed back at the Salvatore's house, trying to find some spell to destroy the moonstone. It was hopeless. We all know that. But there was not much else to do. We hadn't been able to meet to decide which side we would be on once Klaus and Elijah came to town. But until that time came, we had, through a few glances and a couple quick, hushed conversations, decided to help Elena. For now.

"Fine Damon. Although know that I am lying. Elena turning herself in to Klaus will be better for all of you. And now that she has tried to get in contact with Klaus, chances are he will know she's alive, and he'll come for her." I warn Damon.

Veronique, who I can tell has been listening into the conversation from afar, now looks over at me. She gives me a look and I nod. If anyone could reason with Elena, it was Roni. She had a way with words. And if Klaus or Elijah happened to show up, she would be able to talk them down. Or at least had better luck at doing so than me or Damon.

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