Part 21

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It has now been eight days since me and Klaus left Mystic Falls so that he could sire more hybrids. I one that I only promised a week, however I have kept contact with my siblings who say there have been no signs of Mikael.

"Can you turn that down, it's like seven in the morning." I groan, waking from my sleep the hear Klaus's horrible music.

"Its midday, love." Klaus replies but turns the music down none the less.

"So where is it exactly that we are heading?" I ask, rubbing my eyes and sitting up straighter.

"Portland." Klaus answers. "Word is there's a large population of werewolves there."

"Lovely." I sarcastically comment. "While we're there I have to go somewhere."

"What for?" Klaus questions.

"I was living in Portland with Stevie before I was kidnapped and dragged into this shit show. I have some things there that I need to get." I explain.

Klaus nods. "Okay."

"How long do we have until we get there?" I ask, looking out the window.

"A couple hours, give or take." Klaus responds.

"Alright." I reply, leaning back against the seat of the car again.

"Kehlani, love." Someone lightly shakes me awake.

"Fuck off." I complain, swatting Klaus's hands away.

Klaus mutters under his breath a few words I can't make out. "We're here."

"Where's here?" I sit up, rubbing my eyes. "Oh yeah." I realise, remembering what's going on.

"I'm going to make some hybrids, you can go and get the things you need." Klaus plans. I nod my head in agreement and Klaus then leaves.

I look around, trying to work out where I am exactly. Soon I realise that I am close to where I used to live and begin the short journey there. Walking past small, colourful shops with a variation of front windows, each as eye catching as the last. Deep navy blues, pastel yellows, vibrant blood reds. I breath in deeply, nostalgic smells filling my lungs, the sound of light conversation flowing out of a coffee shop. I had been living in Portland for nearly fifteen years before all of the drama in Mystic Falls, which was the longest I had ever stayed anywhere as a vampire other than New Orleans. This place had become my home, my sanctuary from the supernatural world, I forgotten how much I missed it. I wasn't the most amazing place in the world, but it was home.

If only I hadn't been kidnapped by Rose and Trevor. If only I had run for the hills, this place could have still been my home. But I knew back then and I know now that I would have to move soon. As a vampire, you can only stay in a place for a short period of time, usually not long enough to build a life, to have friends, a family. People would notice. Notice that you haven't aged, notice there was something off with you.

Walking up to a small town house I look in the front window I see the lounge that I had spent long hours in, reading, painting. Heading towards the ruby red door, bending down and lifting a key out of the soil in a plant pot to my left. I turn the key in the lock and twist the door handle, entering the house. I close the door behind me and walk along the long corridor, the cream walls giving a simplistic background to the place. I run my hands along a bookshelf, a thin layer of dust on the edge of the shelves, different coloured hardback books sit snugly next to one another. A gentle smell of whatever incense or candle Stevie had last been using perfumes the air, lulling me into a sense of deja-vu.

Climbing the stairs towards my room I feel excited and apprehensive for reasons I do not know. I walk to the very end of the long, quiet hallway and open the door to my room gently.

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