Part 25

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"What the fuck was that?" Honey asks, supporting me as I stumble along the road, my body aching from everything.

"It was nothing." I brush off Honey's concerned question.

"Don't bullshit me, Kie. I know that you have secrets, I mean come on, we all do. But that." Honey points her hand in the direction we have just come from. "That's not just some little secret."

"As you said, Honey, we all have secrets and that was just my past coming back to bite me in the ass. It's nothing you need to worry about." I continue to walk in along the pavement however Honey stops.

"But that's the thing, Kehlani. I am worried about you. You disappear for years at a time, increasingly during the past two hundred years and while you tell me where you went when you were missing some of the time, other times you don't tell me or anyone shit." Honey explains, waving her hands about as I sink deeper into the wall. 

I hadn't told anyone about the times that I left, I would usually tell someone that I was leaving but the truth is I am the most secretive person that I know and I hate the idea that that is something I do. But I don't feel like I can trust anyone. 

"I know, Hon. Really, I do. But sometimes I just..." I trail off, trying to think what I should tell her. "I want to tell you, I really do-"

"And you will. Tell me, I am your friend and trust me when I say I know pain and I've seen yours. You can share anything with me, just don't let it build up because it will break you down." Honey says. 

I sigh. "Okay." 

"Okay?" Honey questions.

"Okay, I'll tell you." I swallow harshly, knowing this is going to be painful for the very least.


1947, Cyprus

"So, how's your witchy-woo stuff coming  along Stevie?" I asked the 16 year old boy who's sitting on the floor in his house, candles around him as he muttered words in Latin.

"For fuc-" Stevie starts, grabbing his chest.

"Boy, you better not finish that sentence." His mother calls from the other room.

"Sorry mum." The boy shouts back, glaring at Kehlani who was standing in the door way, laughing silently at Stevie's misfortunate. "What do you want?"

"Your form's getting better, but the pronunciation's shit."

"Girl, don't think I'm not afraid to beat your ass." Stevie's mother yells.

"Sorry." Kehlani says back. "Anyway, it sounds like someone being dragged along the road by the back of a truck."

"That's a very vivid image." Stevie mumbles. "So, if you think its that bad, why don't you help. Since you are the picture of a knowledgeable teacher." The boy continues sarcastically.

"I spoke Latin from a very early age. My mother wanted me to have an education and all that." I explained. "But whatever, that's not why I'm here."

"Right." Stevie says, standing. "What crazy concoction are we making this time?"

"Nothing that crazy. Just some things to help keep those witch hunter people away." I told Stevie.

"Again?" The boy questions, looking me up and down. "Kehlani, you need to stop going stuff that turns their heads in your direction because your not the only person practicing witchcraft around here. There's me, my mum, my sister, a whole goddamn coven of people who are at risk if the witch hunters come here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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