Part 12

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"Hey." I mutter, standing in the doorway of our home. I probably look like hell.

"Kie. Hey, come in." Manuel ushers me into the house and towards the couch.

"Who was it?" Veronique asks as she comes out of the bathroom drying her hair with a towel. "Oh, Kehlani. Are you okay?" She comes over to comfort me.

"I don't know." I respond honestly.

"We heard you were at the sacrifice. And that Elijah took you when he took Klaus." Manuel mentions.

"Let me guess : they all hate me because I did nothing to stop Klaus and then stopped Elijah from killing Klaus." I pick at the skin around my nails as I ask.

"Sort of. They aren't really happy but why should we care." Manuel tells me.

"But we should really move on, there is nothing left here for us." Veronique adds as she sits down next to me.

"I promised Elijah I would help him find his siblings." I murmur before looking at Veronique then Manuel. "Which means convincing Klaus to tell us their where abouts."

"They aren't in the ocean?" Manuel asks, shocked.

"No. So we have to find them but the only person who knows where they are is Klaus. And he won't just tell us." I look between my siblings.

"Okay. You should help Elijah find them and then we can move on." Veronique tells me, probably also knowing that our best chance in finding them is me.

"I missed you guys." I hug my sister and then welcome my brother into the hug.

"Kehlani." Aaron shouts as he runs towards me with Dara following shortly behind him. "We've missed you." He says as they too join the hug. We stay there for what feels like forever yet when we pull away it feels as though it has only been seconds.

"I love you all." I say to my siblings, looking around them individually.


"So that's all I have to do?" Dara asks, clearly confused with her goal while we walk towards Alaric's apartment.

"Yeah, like the modern version of sitting there and look pretty. You just have to sit there and read Klaus like an open book." I respond as I open the door to the stairs for Alaric's apartment when I hear a voice behind me.

"Hello Kehlani. Didn't think you'd come back here. Or still be in Mystic Falls." Klaus says from behind me.

"Oh don't worry, I'm not even here." Dara mutters, rolling her eyes.

"I'm here to help Elijah. Not for you." I reply without even looking at Klaus as I enter the stairwell and start walking up the stairs.

"Whatever." Klaus murmurs.

"Aw, upset she's here for your brother and not you?" Dara mocks.

"Oh Dara. I would say I miss your snarky little comments but I would be lying." Klaus snaps back. Dara and me laugh, happy to have gotten under Klaus's skin. Klaus walks past us into the apartment, followed by Elijah who gives me a grateful nod for showing up to help.

I and Dara walk in just as Katherine speaks. "Klaus, your back. Look who decided to come for a visit." And with that she drags Stefan out from his hiding space.

"Really." Dara comments. She raises her eyebrows at me and we both walk over to the kitchen. I open a cupboard and find two bottles of tequila stashed away in the back. I pull them both out and pass Dara one, knowing we are both going to need it.

"You just keep popping up, don't you?" Klaus laughs as he walks towards Stefan.

"I need your help. For my brother." Stefan states his intentions for the visit to Klaus.

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