Part 8

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"Bastard." I wake, tied to a chair with vervain soaked ropes binding me.

"Your awake. Good." I hear a voice say that definitely isn't Klaus. Or Alaric.

"Katherine. I'm in hell." Looking over to her, she is still wearing the outfit she was wearing when I last saw her. "Been having fun?" I ask.

"You think your funny. Do I look like I've been having fun?" Katherine responds angrily.

"No, I was being sarcastic, idiot." I look away from her and survey the room. Somewhere I don't recognise, but by the sounds I hear outside we are somewhere near civilisation and I doubt Klaus has decided to live miles away from Mystic Fall, so we are probably still there. "Anyway, can you, by any chance, get me out of this."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A voice comes from the front door.

"Klaus. For fuck sake." I mutter. "Thought someone would have killed you, or at least Alaric you by now."

"No, the supernatural of Mystic Falls are too close to Alaric to just kill him." Klaus responses.

"Yeah, but my siblings aren't." I state, glaring across the room at him. I move my hands slightly and let out a hiss of pain as the vervain ropes dig into my raw skin.

"Aw, did that hurt." Klaus asks as he walks over to me. I sit up straighter, this time ignoring the burning pain in my wrists as he steps in front of me, towering over me. "Good. That will be the least of your problems by the time I'm done with you."

"Fuck you." I grit my teeth, god, I'm going to break them by the time I get out of here if Klaus continues the way he is.

"You already did that." He chuckles to himself.

Just then someone walks into the room. I sense quite a bit of power and know that this person is a witch. Of course. Vampire. Werewolf. Witch. Doppelganger. Moonstone. The ingredients to break the curse placed on Klaus. While he is distracted, I attempt to untie the ropes burning my hands but every second I move a quiet sizzling sound comes from behind me. Knowing that I have no hope of untying myself from this chair I think of the next best thing. Break the chair.

"I'll be back as soon as I can." The witch says as he leaves. How exactly do I break this chair to free myself?

"Yes, do hurry. I'm anxious to get out of this body. And if you get hung up, call me. You know how impatient I get." Klaus calls to the witch as he closes the door. Just then I push up with my legs as much as I can then slam myself and the chair I'm attached to against the ground, breaking it into pieces. A second later I'm stood up with a chunk of the chair in hand and vamp speed in front of Klaus.

"I knew you'd get out of that eventually, it was only a matter of when. I must say, you were rather slow, I've seen you do better." Klaus says as he walks behind me and unties the ropes behind my back.

"Where is he going?" Katherine asks Klaus as he finishes and puts the rope on to the had been chair.

"To retrieve me. So I can get out of this bad hair-do." Klaus responses as I walk over to the kitchen and look through the draws. "You know, love, I don't think Alaric will be very happy about you making a mess in his kitchen." Klaus states as he looks over at me. With that, I pull out the two closest draws and drop them, allowing the contents of both to fall everywhere as I look Klaus dead in the eye.

"Are you sure that's a good idea Klaus?" Katherine asks again. I understand her curiosity but I don't think I would have questioned Klaus like that. But oh well, her funeral.

"Well the full moon is almost upon us. I've killed the witch, I have the moonstone and the doppelganger is waiting in the wings. Ohh, I am ready to break this curse." Klaus looks as though he is about the explode with happiness, something neither I or Katherine reflect.

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