Part 20

32 2 89

1215, the Holy Roman Empire

"Please..please." A man begs as I approach him, crawling backwards until his back hits a wall. "I have a wife, children."

"You did." I say before speeding forward and wrapping my hand around the man's neck, pushing him against a wall and biting into his neck as he let's out an blood curdling scream.

"Really." Klaus approaches behind me. "He is so loud, did you not even think to compel him to be silent?"

I release my grip on the now silent man and drop him to the ground before turning to face Klaus who is directly behind me."And who do you think you are to critique my ability to feed? Hmm."

"Well, I have been a vampire a lot longer than you." He responds as he takes a few small steps towards me and placing a hand on both sides of me. "So you would think that is enough to critique you."

"But it is not." I mutter, my lips millimetres from his. "For you see just because you are older, does not mean you are wiser."

Klaus then leans forward and connects our lips, starting a kiss. His tongue moves into my mouth and begins a dance with my own. Soon the kiss becomes more heated as Klaus lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him. He moves his lips along my neck and down to my chest as I throw my head back and moan.

Someone then coughs behind Klaus. I look the see Elijah. "Niklaus, Kehlani."

Klaus turns to see his brother before turning back and continuing to kiss me. I push him off and drop back down to the ground. "Grow up will you." I push Klaus back so I can step away from the wall.

"Elijah." Klaus starts, turning to face Elijah and wrapping an arm over my shoulders. "Pray tell, why have you interrupted?"

"We must move brother. We have been here for far too long and news travels that father is on our trail." Elijah informs Klaus, who's face immediately falls as he hears this news.

"Your father?" I ask, confused. None of the Mikaelson have ever mentioned their father, let alone the fact he is still alive.

"We should go then." Klaus says to Elijah, ignoring my question.

"I will go and tell the others then." Elijah tells Klaus before turning to leave.

As soon as Elijah has left, Klaus begins pacing, muttering under his breath, looking stressed, angry and scared.

"Klaus?" I take a step in front of him however he moves around me. "Klaus." I move in front of him again and this time grab his arms, stopping him from moving anywhere.

"What is it that you want?" Klaus questions sharply.

I am shocked, Klaus had never spoken to me that way before. To others, sure, but never to me. "You never mentioned your father-"

"There is nothing to mention." Klaus cuts me off. "Now we must go. Gather your siblings and we will leave as soon as we can." He then storms off, slamming a wooden door open, causing it to fall off the hinges it had already been struggling to stay on.

I stay where I am for a second, not knowing what to do. Then, I decide to follow Klaus's orders and gather my siblings.

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