Part 23

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I have to tell my siblings so of the worst news they will probably ever here. Manuel's dead. The words still don't seem real in my head. I've said them aloud several times but yet the words feel foreign on my tongue.

I am sitting on the edge of a couch in a motel room just outside of Mystic Falls, unable to go and see my siblings yet. The idea of seeing them but not seeing Manuel....I can't.

"Kehlani, love..are you okay?" Klaus asks, sitting down next to me.

That question. Those words.

Am I okay?

I don't think I even know. I mean, how could I ever be okay again without my brother by my side? How can I live without him?

"Kie, are you okay?" Klaus repeats, snapping me out of my trance.

I breathe in and release a shaky breath. "I don't know. I don't think so." I feel my eyes full with tears and continue to stare at one point on the floor, willing the feeling of dread to go away.

"I am here for you." Klaus says, taking my hand in his. Such a small gesture, such few and simple words, and yet they fill me with a feeling of warmth deep inside. Tiny. But there. Hope. That everything will be okay. Eventually. If I just hold on.

1187, France

"I'm going to catch you. I'm going to catch you." Manuel sung, chasing after me as I run through the gardens. Having just turned 3, father now allowed Manuel to join me with my games in the gardens. Of course, after some great persuasion on both our parts.

"Impossible." I yell back over my shoulder, gripping onto my skirt tightly as I run along a particularly dirty path.

Manuel suddenly appears from around a corner in front of me and grabbed on to my arm. "I got you, I got you."

"Come on." I groan, throwing my hands in the air in upset. "But now you understand the game, you can play with the rest of us."

"Really?" An excited Manuel asks, a wide grin on his face.

"Well, if the others let you. Your only little, and we don't want to get into trouble if you get hurt." I tell my brother. "But I'm sure soon enough they'll let you."

"Okay Lala." My brother hugs me quickly before running off. "You will never be able to catch me."

"Really Manny?" I question before sprinting after him. "Because I think I will."

We continue running around the gardens, sprinting past servants and members of the court, giggling and shouting. Despite it appearing to be chaotic, this very well might be the best day of my life so far.

"Kehlani, Manuel." Mother says, appearing in front of us, holding our baby sister Veronique."Come on inside, you have been out for far too long. You must be exhausted."

"Nonsense Mother. I am having the most fun." I tell her, swinging my arms at my sides and panting.

"Well how about Manuel? This is his first time playing outside. Perhaps he is tired?" Mother asks, looking down at my brother.

"Uhmm. I actually am a bit tired. Maybe we can go inside and do something in there?" Manuel says.

"Of course. Let's go inside." I hold out my hand for my brother and he takes it, heading back inside to read.

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