Part 14

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"Wakey wakey." Dara whispers in my ear. I slap her away, still half asleep. I refuse to wake up to reality. "We're here. And you need to get up because Klaus is coming and looks pissed." She urges me along. I open my eyes and groan.

"Is she awake?" Klaus asks Dara.

"No, I'm still peacefully asleep worlds away from this shit." I moan as I sit up. "What's the time?"

"It three in the afternoon, dude. You've been asleep forever." Dara informs me.

"Probably because I'm so tired of you lot." I say. "Where's Stefan? Don't tell me, you two finally broke up. I'm so sorry." I joke although Klaus doesn't look in the least bit in a joking mood. "Okay, okay. I'm up. Ready to kill whoever you wish me to, my sire." I bow in front of Klaus, who instead grabs  my arm and drags me towards a bar. "I don't do day drinking."

"That's a lie. You'll drink whenever there is alcohol available." Dara inputs. "But we all knew that."

"You are going to be a distraction so Stefan can finish compelling the people in the bar." Klaus tells me as he opens the door. "Him." He points at a man sitting at the bar.

"I did offer to do it." Dara lets me know.

"But you are a child." Klaus cuts in. "So unless Ray there wants a jail sentence he probably wouldn't even talk to you."

"He looks like he's already had a couple court hearings." Dara adds.

"I'm not in the least prepared to do that. I haven't even got any makeup on." I complain. "I probably look half asleep still."

"You look stunning, now go." Klaus pushes me lightly in the direction of the bar. I sigh, tying my hair up and pulling my vest top down to show my cleavage more then walk over to the bar.

"Bourbon, please." I ask the bartender. He turns and grabs a bottle and a glass.

Ray turns towards me and once seeing me, smirks. "What's a pretty little girl like you doing around here?" The bartender passes me the drink and I down it in one. I need it for this. "And drinking such a strong drink. Your going to hurt yourself darling." Gag. Massive gag. Eww.

I smile over to him. "Just around, trying to get over a guy."

"Well I'm sure I could help you with that." Ray says as he slyly places a hand on my leg. My immediate gut reaction is to snap his neck but I play along, only hoping Stefan can hurry up.

I can hear Klaus behind me, his irritation growing. "I'm sure you could." I try my best to flirt back although it appears Ray is falling for all of this.  I flag down the bartender and ask for another drink. "So how about you?"

"Well, I was only planning on dropping round but...I could be persuaded to stay a while." Ray replies, leaning closer to me. Eww eww eww. I need this man off me like yesterday. "How about you? Feel like having some fun?" Ray very poorly flirts.

"I don't know." I flirt back. This is disgusting. I want the ground to swallow me whole. "Maybe." And with that I hear the chair Klaus has been sitting in screech as he stands and begins walking over. About damn time.

"Ray? Ray Sutton?" Klaus asks as he stands next to me. I immediately stand and move, not wanting to be stuck close to that man any longer.

"Bourbon." I nod to the bartender. He goes to pour me a glass but I snatch it out of his hands. "I'm just gonna take all of this if that's alright with you."

Klaus takes a seat where I had originally been sat. "I've been looking everywhere for you. We started in Florida, Pensacola. I met a young chap there who you used to work with before you moved to Memphis. Now he directed me to two lovely young women and they led me here, to you."

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