Part 7

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Klaus drags Kehlani through the halls of the school until he reaches a classroom far enough away from the dance for others to hear.

"What do you want?" Kehlani asks as Klaus throws her into the room.

"To talk." Klaus responds simply, angering Kehlani.

"Well no shit. I want to know what about." Kehlani pushes Klaus against the wall.

"Really, love? I'll talk if you take a couple steps back." Klaus states. This only infuriates Kehlani more, who, instead of stepping back like Klaus asked, takes a step forward, closing any space that had been between the pair before. "Very mature."

"Shut up." Kehlani mutters through gritted teeth.

"So tell me, love, how much have you missed me? How much have you thought about me? Dreamt about me?" Klaus asks as Kehlani takes a few steps back until she was pressed against the desk behind her.

"You and your ego. It was always bound to be your downfall." Kehlani retorts. "I haven't thought about you for one second since I left. You've been the last of my concerns, the last of my thoughts. I've moved on, without a single thought about you."

"Well, my love, I don't believe you. You always had your tell tale signs that you were lying." Klaus took a step towards Kehlani. "But not to worry, your not my concern right now. You know why I'm here." He almost questions, as if unsure if Kehlani knew about the doppelganger or not, although he knew she did.

"For the doppelganger. To break your stupid curse to grow your fucking ego." Kehlani whispers back.

"It is to get back everything that was taken from me!" Klaus yells, frightening Kehlani slightly but she kept her poker face. That was how she had survived so long, not letting anyone know how their words had effected her. And it worked, for the most part. But Klaus was one of the very few who could see underneath Kehlani's mask and know her true emotions. And she didn't know how much that would backfire on her until today, right at that very moment, were the slightest slip up could allow Klaus to see her as she truly was. "You know that. That is why you won't stop me from doing what I want."

"Who says I won't." Kehlani asks rhetorically, while also a but curious as to Klaus's answer.

"You. The fact that after all this time, you still love me." Klaus replies.

"Like hell I d-" And with that, Klaus snaps Kehlani's neck and she drops to the ground.

"You still love me, whether your ready to admit that now or not." Klaus said to Kehlani's body before leaving the room.


"Its Klaus. He's taken Jeremy." Klaus, as Alaric, says to Elena and Bonnie.

"What." Elena asks, confused about what was happening and was immediately concerned for her brother.

"This way." Klaus leads Elena and Bonnie out of the dance and into the nearby corridors.

Meanwhile, Manuel and Veronique, who had been dancing close by, overheard the interaction and were, even if they didn't care much for the Mystic Falls gang, worried. In a quick glance, they decided to follow, partly to find out what Klaus was up to, but also because they were felt slightly protective over the doppelganger and her witch friend, despite believing and saying otherwise.

"Okay, where are you taking us?" The pair hear Elena say as they follow the sound of her voice and the sound of footsteps.

"Just a little further." They hear Alaric, but really Klaus, reply slowly. Veronique and Manuel then hear Klaus slowing down.

"Wait....something's not right." Elena looks around, confused.

"Where's Jeremy?" Bonnie questions, also as confused as Elena.

Alaric then slows to a halt and begins laughing. "I just had to get away from that dance. The sixties, ugh. Not my decade. I mean, who's call was that, anyway. I much prefer the twenties. The style, the parties, the jazz."

"Alaric, are you on vervain?" Elena asks, curious as to what was up with Alaric.

Klaus stops, looking Elena up and down. "Now why would you ask me that question, Elena?"

"He's been compelled." Elena states, sure of herself.

"Nope. Try again." Klaus laughs.

Bonnie takes a step in front of Elena, acting as a barrier between Alaric and Elena. "What's going on here?" She questions.

"I'll give you a hint." Klaus says as Veronique and Manuel walk into the hallway.

"He, is not Alaric." Manuel interrupts, scaring both Bonnie and Elena.

"Ahh, Manuel. Veronique. I knew that if one Jaqueson knew I was me, the rest were bound to know. Your all in sync like that." Klaus says, looking at the pair in front of him. "Tell me, who guessed. I bet it was Dara. You can't do anything without that girl knowing." He mutters the last bit to himself.

"We just talk, like normalish siblings. And we've know you for nearly a thousand years, of course we knew it was you." Veronique answers. "And yes, it was Dara who guessed it was you. As you said, can't get away with anything with her around."

"Klaus." Elena interrupts the conversation. Pretty much everyone had forgotten that both her and Bonnie were still there. And Veronique and Manuel were particularly annoyed that they hadn't taken that chance to run.

"Suprise." Klaus answers, waving his hands at his side slightly.

"Oh no no no. It's not possible." Elena mutters to herself.

"When did you talk to Kehlani?" Veronique asks Klaus, realising what he had said earlier and knowing that it couldn't have been Dara or Aaron he was referring to.

"Oh, earlier. She wanted to talk, I wanted to talk. Long story short she's in one of these classrooms, I just don't know which. It's like a maze in here." Klaus rants a bit before looking back at Veronique and Manuel.

"What did you do to her?" Manuel questions, his temper flaring.

"I snapped her neck. Now she's somewhere in one of these classrooms. Good luck finding her." Klaus mocks the pair in front of him. Manuel lunges at Klaus but is unable to reach him before Veronique stops him.

"There's no point. Beat him up when he's back in his real body, we have a sister to go collect." Veronique reasons.

"If she's still there." Klaus adds.

"Ignore him, turn him into Aaron. White noise." Veronique murmurs to Manuel as his breathing increases slightly.

"Hey, don't ignore me. I'm right here." Klaus says, whistling, trying to get the attention of Veronique and Manuel, but it was pointless as they set off down the hall way, looking for their sister.


Hope you enjoyed this bit.

Second part written in one day, I've just had nothing better to do even though I have exams to revise for but oh well. I've been typing a million miles an hour.

I'm not really sure about this part but it's more a filler part and hopefully things will improve soon.

Thank you for reading!

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