Part 4

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"This is so stupid." Aaron complains, sitting next to me at the table. We are in the Mystic Grill, contemplating what we should do. Manuel is drowning his problems in a half empty bottle of bourbon, Dara and Roni are playing darts and me and Aaron are flicking through a box of our collectable. Well, supernatural collectables. Dark objects, random weapons and grimories. Which we probably shouldn't be doing in the middle of a restaurant, but the only people here are a few drunks and three staff, two of whom are currently making out in the back. Ugh. One of the worst things about being a vampire is being able to hear shit like that.

"I know. But we need to find something in here to help destroy the moonstone." I reply.

"I thought we weren't going to help destroy the moonstone and instead help the Mikaelsons." Aaron whisper-yells. I send a glare at him then look around to see if there was anyone in there that I recognised.

Upon finding no one recognisable from the supernaturals of Mystic Falls, I respond. "We are going to. But for now, the best thing to do is to look like we're helping. That way they won't be suspicious as to why we're not helping. There isn't anything in here that can help them, but they don't know that. So shut up and look."

"Okay, okay. Fucking hell. I'm looking. See." Aaron picks up a grimorie with a few carvings on its cover. "Here, let's have a look." He flicks it open. "This is in fucking latin. Do I look like a bloody witch to you. I can't read this."

I snatch the book and open it to the first page. "Spells for resurrection. Boundary spells. This is a book with a lot of complicated spells in it. Or at least the complicated version of the spell. Even if we did find a spell to help, Bonnie wouldn't be able to do them. She's not strong or experienced enough."

"Real faith you have in Bonnie then." Aaron murmurs.

"I have faith in her. I just don't think she has the ability to do any complex spells yet." I respond, throwing the grimorie back into one of the boxes.


"I'm sorry, what? So your telling me in the time that we've been looking through our stuff, Elena made a deal with Elijah, Rose died from a werewolf bite and Stefan has got out of the tomb?" Manuel asks, surprise and confusion written all over his face.

"What the actual fuck!" Aaron exclaims, clearly as shocked as the rest of us.

"Yeah. And now Caroline has been kidnapped. By the werewolfs who bit Rose. They want Tyler, so we are going to give them him." Stefan replies.

"You've got to be joking. And who's Caroline? Who's Tyler?" I ask.

"You haven't met them yet. Caroline's a vamp and Tyler's a werewolf. So now all we have to do is go trade them." Stefan says.

"Lovely. But we're not all going. I'm not letting Aaron or Dara go. That is for certain. But the rest of us can go and help. But we're not dying for someone we barely know." Roni states, laying out the terms for us to go.

"Okay that's fine. Let's go then." Damon says.

"I never get to do anything fun." Aaron whines, looking upwards as he walks off.

"Can you please stay here. We can't be saving Caroline if we're busy saving you idiot. Let's go." I walk off towards the door, Manuel and Roni following me.


"I know your out there." We hear the woman call out. Stefan walks out of the woods, dragging Tyler behind him.

"Where's Caroline?" Stefan asks.

"Locked up tight." The woman replies, smirking at the concern Stefan has for Caroline.

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