Part 5

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"Knock knock."

"Who's there?" I roll my eyes.


"Oh piss off Katherine. I am not in the mood for whatever you want to do." I am fed up. Last night, Alaric daggered Elijah, resulting in Katherine being free. And since then she has been bothering me and my siblings constantly.

"I'm only here because your the only people I actually like who aren't trying to kill me at the moment. And also because I know you know that if your going to try and stop Klaus, you have no hope with Damon and Stefan." She states.

"Right, and you have the ability to take down Klaus. Oh yeah, you don't." I throw back at her.

"Maybe not, but I have a better chance of doing so compared to all of Elena's worshipers. And I also know there is no way in hell you decided to side with them." She replies.

"Fine then. Let's go see your hope of success." Katherine jumps up of the sofa and practically runs to the door, yelling, "I'm driving though."


"Are we good to go?" I hear Isobel say from the other end of the phone.

"I'm at your house, but we have to hurry. Damon knows your lodging tricks. It will take him all of twenty minutes to find out where you're staying." Katherine warns.

"We'll be long gone before that."

"Good. How far are you?" Katherine asks, looking over at me. I have no idea what her plan is as she didn't tell me anything on the way here.

"I'm sorry, Katherine. I had to do what I was told. He wants the moonstone and he wants you." Isobel says before hanging up.

"He? He who?" Katherine asks, panicking.

"What the hell have you dragged me into, Katherine?" I reflect her panic and worry.

A warlock steps inside the house, Katherine rushes over to him but he stops her and uses his powers to knock us both out. You've got to be kidding.


I wake, looking around at the house. I notice that Katherine is no longer next to me. Thank god I wasn't taken with her, which only leaves me with one question. Who took Katherine? Klaus. Of course. It was only a matter of time before he showed his face.

I take the car keys from Katherine's jacket that if still hung up on a coat stand. Walking out the door, I unlock the car and get in. Things just got a lot more real. And all this theoretical shit is going to become reality.


"Katherine's gone, so what? She was starting to be a pain in the ass." Manuel states. I roll my eyes, seeing how he isn't seeing what I'm saying.

"Katherine was taken by Klaus, we are in the exact place where Klaus needs to be. That means Klaus is here somewhere. It means that by the next full moon, we are going to have to pick which Mikaelson to side with." I rant, panic overwhelming me.

"Really. Are you really just scared because we are going to have to pick between two people we care about equally. Or is it something else. Hm." Manuel asks sarcastically. I shoot daggers at his amused expression.

"No." I say, pointing my finger at him. "Don't even think that, asshole."

"Mhmm. Sure."

"Fuck you."

"Are you sure it has nothing to do with you and Klaus?" Manuel comments, running away as I chase him.

"You know what, no. It has absolutely nothing to do with him." I state, my frustration growing as I follow him quickly.

"Its been a hundred years since you last saw him. I'm sure you've thought about him. And with all of this going on its bound to bring up past memories." Manuel pointed out. The little shit. I take a deep breath before responding, knowing he's only trying to get under my skin.

"No. I haven't thought about him since then."

"Mm, sure....sure."

I walk out of the room, knowing I have better things to do than argue with my brother about something that definitely wasn't true. So maybe I had thought about Klaus a couple times since last seeing him, but it's not that bad. And not that often.

"Hey, Kehlani, come in here we need to talk about a plan." Damon yells from the main room.

"What plan? For what?" I reply, walking into the room. I do not have the energy to focus on concocting some elaborate plan to save someone.

"Taking down Klaus." Stefan replies. Well shit, it appears I cannot escape talking about him like I first thought.

"Let's do this then." I walk over to a sofa and sit next to Dara.

"So we go to the dance, we find him." Damon advises.

"Really? How are we going to do that? We don't even know what he looks like." Stefan argues.

"Those guys do." Damon points at me and Dara. "And something tells me he's not going to be sixteen and pimply." He turns towards Elena. "And your not stepping foot in that dance."

"Yes I am."

"He could be anywhere at any time. He compelled someone at the school." Damon glances over at me and Dara, who are sat watching this exchange happen, before looking back at Elena and Bonnie. "I guess it's not as safe as you guys thought, huh?"

Alaric then knocks at the door and walks in.

"There you are." Damon looks to Alaric gratefully.

"Sorry I'm late." Alaric apologises before sitting down. Dara nudges me before pointing her eyebrows at Alaric. I look over at Alaric, who appears to be staring into space, but notice there is something slightly different about him. I don't what or how, or could even explain why, but Alaric seems to have changed.

"I need you to put me down as chaperone for this evening. And any of those guys, I don't care." Damon waves his hand in our direction as both me and Dara roll our eyes. "Klaus made his first move."

"Okay, so we find him and then what? What's our plan of attack?" Elena asks.

"Me. I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him." Bonnie states, certain of her power.

"That's  not going to be easy. I mean, he's the biggest, baddest vampire around." Alaric argues.

"Alaric has a point. I mean, what if he..." Damon charges towards Bonnie but a second later Damon is thrown to the other side of the room.

"Well I was impressed." Stefan chuckles, looking as his brother stands up.

"It doesn't matter if he's an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can kill him Elena." Bonnie clarifies.

"I hope you can, because Klaus is a lot stronger and faster than Damon." I mutter.

Thank you for reading this part, sorry for the delay.
I won't be posting until at least next Tuesday as I am going on a school trip with next to no internet but will come back with a longer part sometime next week.
Hope you enjoyed! :)

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