Part 9

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"Yeah man, what d'you want." Stevie's slurred voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello Stevie, its Veronique." She states, looking across at her brother who is sitting opposite from her listening to her conversation as Aaron stirs awake from his long nap after a long night.

"Oh, hi V. Why are you calling me on this wondrous day?" Stevie asks.

"Are you high?" Veronique answers his question with another question.

"You know us witches, always needing a bit of fun. But yeah. Why you calling me?" Stevie replies honestly. Manuel slaps his face into his hands, his faith in Stevie slowly diminishing.

Veronique looks at her brother, unsure what to say or how to put it. Kehlani and Stevie had been close for a very long time and he knew about Kehlani and Klaus's relationship. But in the end she knows it is best to put it as it is. "We need your help. Klaus has Kehlani and we don't know how that is going to work. So come to Mystic Falls and you can hopefully magic Kehlani out of where Klaus has her and make sure she doesn't lose herself again." Veronique finally answers his question.

"I'm sorry, your going to have to repeat that again. Your in Mystic Falls. Klaus has kidnapped Kehlani. What else have I missed?" Stevie asks, all signs that he was high long gone.

"And the doppelganger is here." Veronique whispers, bracing herself for Stevie's reaction. She hears a deep breathe followed by a string of curses.

"I'll be there soon. See you." Stevie mutters before hanging up the phone.

The siblings look at each other and to Aaron who is sitting, staring at the floor as he processes this information.

"I think that went okay." Manuel speaks up in the silence. Dara let's out a little snort in her sleep. "I kind of expected him to scream at you. That's usually what happens. I don't like this calm version of him."

"Same. He was so eerily quiet and calm." Veronique states, locking eyes with her brother.

"Let's just hope that anger is directed at Klaus and not us when he shows up." Aaron looks at his two older siblings who are sitting uncomfortably as if expecting Stevie to come into the room at any moment and start causing havoc.



"Wow. You were right. She looks exactly like Elena." I hear a voice say as I wake.

"Fucking shut up asshole." I moan, completely fed up with Klaus and all of his shit.

"Yep." Someone says. Damon. Shit. "Ah, Kehlani. Knew you were likely to still be alive." He turns to Katherine as I lift my head up from the ground and it let's out a loud click. "Thought you still kicking, Alaric-Klaus was blending too easily."

"We are here to rescue you." The woman says.

"Thank god." I mutter, standing up and walking over to  the bottle of bourbon I had been drinking from earlier to find it empty. I then open the cupboard I had found it in only to see no more alcohol. Well shit.

"Yeah, Klaus drank all of it then stormed out." Katherine says, noticing me looking for something to drink.

"No sweetie, we are here to see if they deserve to be rescued." Damon explains to the woman. I roll my eyes and look through the last few cupboards I hadn't managed to go through earlier.

"What did I do to hurt you?" I ask as I pull out some crackers from the bottom corner of a cupboard.

"Nothing. I just don't trust you. Especially with you being with Klaus. Don't know what he could have been telling you." Damon responses. I shrug, knowing he isn't wrong. I'm not really in a trustworthy position in his eyes. I bite into the cracker and cringe a bit at how stale it is but continue to eat it none the less.

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