Part 2

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I wake slowly, my eyes squinting as I adjust to the light. My throat feels dry and scratchy, with pain in every breathe. I look around as my eyes start to work to see a brick wall and a steel door. Who has bloody well kidnapped me now? I hear footsteps outside and the door swings open. One of the men who I saw Elena with enters.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"None of your business, asshole. You are the second person to kidnap me in the last 24 hours and I am really getting fed up of this. So how about you let me go and I won't kill you. That sound good?" I reply to his question. I am tired, thirsty and hungry and this dick has not a care for any of that.

"Actually no, that does not sound good. How about you answer some of my questions and I could maybe consider it." He counters.

I roll my eyes and glare at him. He doesn't back down so I sigh.

"I'm Kehlani."

"Hi Kehlani, I'm Damon. Now how about you tell me all about why you were in that house and what you know about the man and maybe, just maybe, we'll let you come out of here and share with the group all you know."

"Why do you think I know anything about Elijah? Or why I was there? Maybe I was just an innocent bystander to that little meet and greet. Did you ever consider that?" I replied, slowly standing up.

"Two reasons. The first being that Elena told us that Elijah knew you, and vice versa. Secondly, Rose has told us all about you and your relationships with the Originals, Elijah being one of them. I won't ask again. Tell me what you know." Damon threatened.

"Oh, that Rose. I though I recognised her." I respond, remembering the story of the betrayal of Trevor and Rose-Marie."If you have Rose-Marie you won't need me then, since she appears to be the knowledgable one who knows all about the Originals. So maybe ask her and stop trying to get answers from me."

"Tell me what you know. Or I will make you."

"I'm feeling generous, so if you let me past and get me a blood bag, I will tell you. And just know if you don't I will still leave, you just won't have the information you need. Well, Elena needs."

Damon looks as though he is going to kill me when the other man from the house comes from around the corner.

"What do you mean 'Elena needs'." He asks, confusion written all over his face.

"Let me out and give me blood and I'll tell you. Until then, enjoy that feeling of not knowing. I know that's a rare thing for you Stefan."

"How do you know who I am?" He asks, clearly not liking the fact I know his name. Which is ridiculous. He knows my name. Why shouldn't I know his?

I don't respond to his question and instead keep my expression emotionless. Stefan and Damon share a glance. I can see the silence conversation between the two as they come to an agreement and look back at me.

"Fine." Stefan says. "We'll let you out so long as you tell us everything we need to know."

"Good. Now let's go, shall we?" I ask, moving past them towards the stairs with them both following quickly behind.


I walk into the main room as I hear Rose say, " Okay, you have to understand, I only know what I've picked up over the years. And I don't know what's true and what's not true. It's the problem with all this vampire crap. But Klaus, I know he's real." I lay myself down on the couch as I sip on the blood bag I had got.

"Who is he?" Elena asks.

"One of the Originals. He's a legend." Damon replies.

"From the first generation of vampires." Stefan adds.

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