Part 11

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1203, France

"Your majesty, Kehlani, may I present to you my brothers, the lords Elijah, Niklaus and Kol." Rebekah says. I nod to each as they bow and then curtsy in return. It has been three weeks since I first met Rebekah and we are already becoming close friends.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." I look the each of them individually, already knowing the reason they are here. Every man who is not yet married is looking to have me as a wife and these men are no exception. They aren't the worst looking of the suitors my father has proposed however I am not yet ready for marriage in any sort, so any man who wishes to be my husband looks ridiculous in my eyes.

"And you too, your majesty." Elijah returns my comment before walking off, muttering, "If you will excuse me."

"Come Rebekah, I must show you something." I wave my hand at her and she takes it, following me out of the building and into the gardens.

"What is it you wished to show me?" She asks. It is a cool autumn night so I am rather cold, although Rebekah appears perfectly content.

"Just around this corner." I pull her along further, looking over my shoulder to make sure no one has been following us. I turn a corner along a dark alley and walk through the dirt before we reach a grave. "Here."

"What is it?" Rebekah asks before she gets a closer look. "Who is it?" She asks more gently this time.

"My mother. She died from sickness a few years after Aaron was born. We were only little so some of my siblings do not remember much of her." I kneel down in front of the grave and trace the lines that read out my mother's name. "Originally she was going to be buried with all of my ancestors however it was later found she had had an affair. Some still do not believe it as there was no evidence except the word of a man from court. So she was buried here, in the corner of the gardens, away from public eye. She was lucky to get a burial, so very few know she is here. Only my father, siblings and now you." I look up at her, tears in my eyes. I wipe them away quickly then stand.

"And the new queen?" Rebekah asks.

"A woman from the court. She has been kind to us although not been able to produce my father another child." I brush off the dirt from my dress and turn to Rebekah. "Please can you not tell anyone about my mother being here. I trust you, however I have trusted many more with secrets less than this and they have betrayed me."

"Of course, I shall never tell another soul about this." Rebekah looks at me, appearing grateful that I have entrusted such a secret with her.

"Good. Now we should really return to the dance or my father may notice I am missing." I move to leave, but not before looking at my mother's grave one last time.


"Ugh." My eyes open, back in the apartment I have grown to loathe. "I am going to kill you and everyone you've ever met." I charge at Klaus however he swiftly moves out of the way and allows me to run into a wall.

"Now, calm down love. That's something I would usually say. Tell me, what is it that I've done to hurt you today?" He questions. Rage bubbles inside me before dying down, knowing going into an arguement with Klaus with emotions was not what you want to be doing.

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