Part 1

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Kehlani pov:

"Hello. Hello. Can you hear me. I need your help. Come on, wake up. Stupid. Wakey wakey. WAKE UP."

"Ugh. Shut up, shut up, I beg of you Stevie. You can make your own noodles."

"Who the hell is Stevie." I hear a voice say. Its higher than Stevie's, more feminine. Unless Stevie's become a drag queen. Or got a girlfriend. But I swear he was gay. Guess not.

"Who are you? Do you know where we are? Please. Come on. Open your eyes." The voice says. Its squeaky, high pitched. Annoying. Like listening to nails being dragged across a chalkboard. I open one eye to come face to face with a girl. She has brown hair and brown eyes, with olive skin. Pretty. I feel like I recognise her from somewhere, or maybe she just has one of those faces. Who knows.

I then look beyond her face and see a ceiling. Not my bedroom. Where the bloody hell am I. I sit up and look around. The walls are a dirty white with mold creeping in the corners, the windows boarded up with random bits of wood and board. It seems as though the place is abandoned. Well no shit sherlock, no one is going to kidnap you and put you in a nice, fancy house. Wait. I've been fucking kidnapped. I almost jump off the floor I've been laying on, nearly taking the girl in front of me. I look towards her then vamp speed at her, slamming her into the nearby wall.

"Who are you and why the bloody hell have you got me here." I yell at her, the veins under my eyes creeping out. She looks at me shocked, frightened.

"I don't know. At least why your here. Some people took me. I'm Elena. Can you please let go of me." She hurriedly explains. I can hear her heart beating at a hundred miles an hour. I release my grip on her and take two steps back.

"Why are you here then." I ask as she let's out a breathe. She seems to think for a second, looking me up and down, almost questioning whether she could tell me.
"If you don't hurry up, I will rip your heart out, do you understand."

Elena nods quickly before saying,"I'm a doppelganger. That's all I know about why they want me. The woman, Rose I think her name is, said that she was going to give me to some guy named Elijah. Other than that I don't know what they want from me and why I'm here. Can you please help me get out."

My throat felt dry. Shit. Fuck. Crap.
I know why she was here. I know who Elijah is. And I know I need to get out of this shithole quickly or I'm as good as dead. Out of this shithole and on the other side of the bloody world. I take a step back as I hear someone walking along the corridor towards the room. The door opens and a man enters, shortly followed by a woman. The man starts pacing, panicking about something.

"No, I need to go Rose. He wants me dead." The man almost yells.

"He wants them more than us." The woman named Rose replies."Hey, Trevor, what are we? We're family."

I would sort of feel bad for them if it wasn't my death that they had led me to. They have taken me and put my head on the chopping block, all they need now is the executioner, and he is on his way. With no idea when Elijah will show up, I know I have to get out of here as soon as possible but I can't see a way.

Then I hear a noise outside, and the others hear it too. The sound of a car pulling up. It is too late. I'm dead. Well, it was a great life for what it's worth now.

Looking over I can see Elena having what appears to be a panic attack. Her breathing is unsteady and her heart is pitter-pattering so fast I think it might explode. Poor dear, she probably has no idea what's going on. Or that she'll be dead by next month. But for what it's worth, I send Elena a reassuring smile and nod my head, letting her know that I am on her side. Am I, who knows, it really depending on how the day goes.

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