Part 6

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"The Sixties. Which idiot decided on the sixties? When I find out who I'm going to skin them alive." Aaron states while racking through a box.

"I think it's more a democratic vote. No one person decides." Roni replies, sitting on Kehlani's bed, flicking through Romeo and Juilet.

"Even better. I can kill the bloody lot of them." Aaron comments as he pulls out a purple and orange polo shirt. "What the fuck was I doing then?? This is the ugliest shirt I've ever seen and I know Stevie. The man is practically colour blind, all his clothes clash."

"I think you were a hippie. All 'cool dude' and 'peace to the planet'." Dara states, putting on a stereotypical hippie voice and showing the peace sign. She then pulls a matching bandana and a peace necklace. "Proving my point."

"What the actual fuck. This is....what was I doing?" Aaron pulls a picture from the box. "I was in a cult." He shows Dara the image. "How the....why do I not remember this?"

"I think you were probably high like, the whole sixties. Maybe you should go to this stupid, waste of time party high. And I'll join you, because I need to be high for this shit." Dara replies, putting the items back in the box and closing the lid. "Go look through Manuel's clothes, I'm sure he has more suitable clothing for this."

"Manuel was in the mafia during the sixties. All he has is suits and guns. I don't know if that's any better." Roni speaks up, still looking at her book. "I think the sixties was our brothers's time for questionable choices." 

"You got married. To an untriggered werewolf. I think we were all going through our questionable phase." Dara casually replies.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that." Roni says, looking up at the ceiling as she remembers. "He killed my best friend and triggered his curse before running through the house like a madman." She reminisced for a second before looking at Dara. "Not like you were any better. You became a serial killer. 'The Slasher of Shanghai'. Known for slashing their victims into pieces with an unknown weapon."

"It was my hand, asshole. And you know that. I also didn't just kill anyone, I killed rapists. I made the place better." Dara snapped back sarcastically.

"Woah, Rae, remind me to never piss you off." Aaron mocks.

"You already know not to piss me off. Your my little brother, my only victim for siblingly violence." Dara whispers in his ear as she walks past, a red and orange tube dress in hand. She ruffles Aaron's hair before running off as he swings his hand in her direction.

"Fuck you!" He yells along the corridor his sister run along.

"Love you too!" She yells back.

"I can't believe we have to go to this stupid dance." Aaron slumps down in his chair.

"We are going to see Klaus. And to see if he's worth saving." Roni points out.

"Yeah, yeah sure. Whatever. But he put his comatose siblings in the ocean. He's done a lot of bad things but that's taking it a step too far, even for Klaus." Aaron replies.

"I'm not so sure he has though, he loves his siblings too much to do something that bad, even in his most angered moments." Roni states.

"True, but Elijah, his own brother believes he's done it, why should we believe otherwise." Aaron asks, knowing that Roni was right but that didn't mean that Elijah was wrong. Surely Klaus wouldn't have done this, but they had no evidence to say that he hadn't done it.

"I guess we are going to find out." Kehlani says as she walks in, her hair in curlers, her makeup half done and the black dress she was planning on wearing on with a blue sweatshirt over it.

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