Chapter 25 - Introvert Hangout

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Summary: After an ominous text, Virgil asks Logan to come round for a sleepover. It's Logan's first sleepover but he's glad it's with Virgil. The two can bond over their parents.

Logan usually spent Saturday evenings in his room, with his moms chatting loudly downstairs. The sound of his moms was still downstairs, a little louder as they were given coffee. But the room was different, it was purple and covered in film and indie band posters – and there was a very panicking Virgil in front of him.

"I mean, the exact quote is: 'get up early tomorrow babe, I need to come over to ask you something'. That means it's big right? He'd surely just text me if it's a cool 'where should we have our date' question." Virgil was pacing up and down the room and staring at his phone. He'd had a significant text from Roman a few hours before, so asked Logan to come over for a sleepover. Logan's moms were over the moon taking their boy to Remy and Emile's house.

"Is there anything that could have happened that could lead to a breakup?" Logan sat on a black beanbag, doing some homework since it needed to be done. Virgil paused his pacing for a second, as if reliving every action he'd done with his boyfriend. He then slowly shook his head. "And Roman's a good communicator, so it's probably a good thing. Maybe it's some kind of four month anniversary thing?"

And there came Virgil's smile, and a laugh under his breath. Roman had been reminding the group for days that it was the couple's four month anniversary coming up. "He's really such a sap, isn't he?" Virgil sat next to Logan on a purple bean bag, finally placing his phone on his dresser.

Mama's joyful scream was heard downstairs, saying something about a Steven Universe ship being her OTP. Logan and Virgil just looked towards the closed bedroom door and laughed, enjoying that they had a quiet room to themselves.

"You know, I'm happy I'm not the only kid with same-sex parents." Virgil said earnestly, looking over at Logan before picking the rips of his black jeans. "How did you hide that you had two moms for so long?"

Logan shrugged, but he knew the answer. "Well, Mom's a nurse so she tends to work a lot, which meant Mama attended most of the parent-teacher conferences. We were quite open with it when I started elementary school but... it didn't go so smoothly." Virgil scowled and rolled his eyes, knowing immediately what Logan meant. "It's quite lucky that the kids from elementary school have the memory of a goldfish. What was childhood like for you with two dads?"

Virgil looked towards two pictures on his bedside, both of him with his parents. In one picture he and his fathers were covered in rainbow at a pride event. In another Virgil was smaller, sat on the stairs of a townhouse, squeezed between all different family members from both sides of his family.

"Living in the city helped, I guess. Other people had same-sex parents, but it didn't mean there weren't dickheads." Virgil's arms were crossed under his chest, he tugged at a shoelace with his other shoe. "I had all my Ayis right next door and Aunties nearby, so sometimes they used in-laws as their other half if the situation seemed risky."

Would Logan have to hide himself in the future? Patton wanted kids, so if Patton was his soulmate, then kids were in his future. He remembered the feeling of isolation when teachers asked if he had a dad, no matter how innocent they were, he didn't like the feeling of possibly putting that discomfort on his children. "Do you think you and Roman are going to do that?"

"I hope not. I want the world to be better." Now Virgil was almost lying down in the beanbag, looking at the ceiling in thought.

Logan smirked and taunted. "I like how you didn't even question letting Roman oversee young children. You must really love the guy." Virgil laughed loudly and punched Logan's arm, although he was hiding a blush that arrived at his cheeks.

"Hey, he'll be a good Dad; he just needs to control his energy." There was a second of silence before Virgil continued his thought. "If he ever does."


The sleepover was a success. Nerdy movies were watched to completion, midnight snacks were all eaten, even some homework was completed. At the beginning of the year Virgil didn't have much care for homework, which impacted his grades. Having Logan around changed that though – he could do his homework quietly and could maintain focus with a quiet, encouraging friend.

So, when sunlight came through Virgil's sheer curtains, the teen was smiling. He was going to see Roman today, he had planned a surprise, and it was most likely going to be a good surprise. He'd have that excited bounce in his step and his voice will chirp higher at the end of breaths like he did when talking happily. He would be smiling and laughing and so adorably cute.

"Are you awake?" Virgil heard Logan whisper quietly. The lovesick teen turned to cover his face with his pillow as it heated up. He felt like he could scream in happiness at the possibility of seeing his boyfriend, even though he saw him almost every day. "I'll take that as a half-yes."

A knock on the door caused both teens to sit up, and Virgil ran to the window. Outside, he saw the confident and suave Roman... although he seemed nervous and scared this time. He was holding a giant piece of white card. "Oh my fucking God – it's a Promposal? Why is he in a Ghostbusters costume? I really thought he would go the High School Musical route." Virgil turned to his friend on the floor, realising his smirk that he tried to hide. "You knew about this didn't you?"

"You think Roman would hide it?" Virgil was practically shaking. Ever since middle school, Virgil had dreamt of this day, as well as the day Roman would get on one knee for real. The actual proposal could wait – Virgil had to get downstairs now.

"Viiiirgiiiilllll! You have a certain boy at the door!" Baba chimed up the stairs, no doubt coming to carry his son out of bed and into the arms of his boyfriend. Logan threw his best friend a hairbrush, wishing him luck and watching him sprint downstairs. Logan made his way to the window so he could see the romance happen.

Roman was dressed in a Ghostbusters costume too big for his body, stood on the doorstep. Gavin came out and wanted to see the sign, so Roman knelt a little and showed him the card, not turning it around yet. Soon Emile came out and set up a professional camera behind Roman, perfecting the lighting and positioning. Logan's Mama will definitely love doing that when Logan gets the courage to do something about his crush.

Soon Roman turned the sign, Logan could hardly read the writing from where he was 'Prom with you will be a ghostly adventure, will you be my date-buster?' – the theatre nerd really was a romantic sap, as Virgil called it.

The couple spoke, Roman speaking nervously as his cheeks became pink. Virgil eventually revealed himself coming closer to Roman – perfecting a casual look even though he was freaking out a couple of minutes ago. Roman stopped his blabbering mouth eventually and tilted his head, Virgil's fathers and brother were already cheering and encouraging. The cheers were so loud they could be heard through the closed window. Virgil nodded and was brought into an excited kiss by Roman, the fathers then joined in for hugs and Gavin jumped on his big brother. After a few minutes Virgil whispered in Roman's ear, then Roman looked up and waved up at Logan. Logan laughed and waved back.

Logan walked away from the window and turned on his phone, texting his Mom. He knew what he needed to do now.

Logan: Hey Mom? Can you take me to the craft store this afternoon?

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