Chapter 10 - Sleepover Gossip

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Summary: Patton, Roman and Virgil have a sleepover - but someone's missing.

Side Prinxiety will be in this fanfiction :). 

"HE'S WHAT?" Patton screamed frantically, facing two of his best friends – one on the bed and another sat cross-legged on a small bookshelf. Virgil was the one to sit in the weird place of course, and he was the one to spill this news.

Virgil and Logan had been texting over the Christmas holiday about coming to terms with sexuality, and Logan had decided it would be a lot less pressure for Virgil to come out for him to Patton and Roman so that he could start school after New Year with his struggles out in the open. He trusted his new friendship group. Unfortunately, Virgil didn't trust his more extroverted friends completely... especially as one of them was simping hard.

"He's just questioning it Patton – and the guy's objective anyway – he probably came up for some logical conclusion or read a psychology study about how humans aren't naturally straight." Patton was pink-faced and giggling like a child as Roman was wide-eyed and amazed – but surprisingly silent. Virgil expected Roman would be rambling about Disney magic or love at first sight or something like tha...

"Ooor, maybe Patton was his first gay love! Like in the movies! There could have been a moment where Logan just looked over at Patton and realised the man in front of him was his one true love!" Virgil visibly moaned a cringe into his palm at his two friends. At least they knew to be decent people and not overwhelm Logan with the new discovery when they see him at school.

The conversation calmed down as Patton softly collapsed into the beanbag he was sat on, covering his cheeks and mouth and falling into a puddle. Logan possibly liked men? Maybe he was asexual, but the way everything was phrased made it seem like Logan had sexual attraction. It just mattered to who – and he hoped it was him.

Roman scowled as he heard the bed in the room next to his creak in a rhythmic pattern. Of course, Remus took the opportunity to have a sleepover with his boyfriend when Roman had his friends round. Well, his friends minus one... One that was very important at the moment. He could feel the energy explode inside of him visualising the love story. "We should invite Logan here! Text him, text him!"

Virgil just sighed and turned his phone onto his texts with Logan. The two had spent nights chatting about Virgil's sexuality journey, his trials and tribulations, and how he felt in eighth grade when facing the boy that made him realise he was bisexual.


Every time Roman went on his love tangents Virgil's mind went back to middle school, specifically when he was leaning against those long and narrow blue corridors and facing Roman. And when Roman gave him the look of sympathy and worry about a misstep. It was the first and only time he looked scared to speak.

"I'm sorry Verge... I don't feel the same way." Roman's voice was low and quiet, as the pair stood opposite each other with the rest of the school going about their day. Virgil could feel his heart break in two with those words. He thought this was his chance to talk about why he'd realised he was bisexual, he had convinced himself that Roman liked him too and wanted to ask him to the eighth grade dance as a romantic outing since Patton was sick from school that day. Virgil thought he may have his first kiss in this moment. "I'll happily go to the dance with you though! And Patton too... As friends."

Virgil remembered how stupid he felt then. He had built a city of dreams in his mind and it was all crashing down now. Why did he even think there was a chance? Looking back his dads weren't much help – getting a crush on a non-straight guy was better than they achieved in high school.

For Roman, life continued the same after that small exchange. He didn't mind the awkward moment - he took it as a compliment and eventually got to the point where he was taunting Virgil over the moment that lasted a second in his mind. Virgil re-built his city of dreams slowly, erasing every realisation he'd had the last few months and replacing them with a generic person instead of Roman. There were still cracks in the buildings though from the previous destruction – and those cracks showed when Roman talked about falling in love.

That's why he was grateful for Logan's friendship. Virgil was a mentor now, listening to the same questions about life that Virgil had years ago. Time had gone since that eternal moment getting rejected from his first same-sex date – Roman had moved on and now Virgil could move on too... eventually.


Virgil: I promise I'll hold them back from their excitement, they just want to comfort you and hang out 😊

Logan checked his last texts as he received another head rub from his Mama. He was having a calm movie night with his Mama while his Mom was at work, but received a text from Virgil asking if he wanted to join a sleepover round Roman's house. The fact he accepted made Mama fold into a pile of sentimental love. And she immediately drove Logan to Roman's house without complaint.

"Text me if you want to leave early conejito, the excuse can be that Mom wants a movie night! Maybe because I want a movie night and lying to your friends might get Mom to agree. Ay dios, I'm so proud of you nene!"

Logan: I'm outside, trying to escape Mama XD

As Logan fixed his glasses (soon to be knocked off again), he saw the front door of the house open. And there was Patton – along with Roman and Virgil. But it had been the first time Logan saw Patton since that dream. Life paused when he saw Patton's smile of recognition.

It seemed as though Mama also noticed the world slow down. "That's Patton, the blond one?" Mama whispered next to her son's ear, watching him slowly swallow and look down as his cheeks flushed slightly pink. "He looks encantador! Buena suerte my love!"

Logan was pretty much thrown out of the car to walk up to his crush. Patton looked ecstatic to see him, giving him a happy wave and welcoming him into the house. The bed was creaking upstairs but apart from that it was calm. Roman and Patton seemed to watch Logan in interest though.

"So... Virgil told us you're questioning your sexuality..." The conversation eventually came, from Patton's mouth. Of course Patton would be the one to ask. Logan stayed quiet and avoided the expectant glares, creating a hot chocolate for himself as Patton refilled for him and his friends.

"Yes, I am." Logan looked up slightly to grab some marshmallows, meeting with Patton's baby blue eyes. He instinctively looked away and focused on the marshmallows – thanking himself that he was autistic so prolonged eye contact was physically painful, crush or not.

The questions hadn't finished with that though – it was just disrupted with Roman and Virgil fighting in the living room about whether to watch Nightmare Before Christmas or 101 Dalmatians. "Do you have a label for your identity?"

Patton's brain was repeating that Logan was probably asexual. He wasn't known to be lucky in the crush department. But he could see a glimmer of hope as Logan's eyes flicked to make a second of eye contact again, and he whispered under his breath. "I don't have a label – but I'm pretty sure I have same-sex attraction."

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