Chapter 9

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Soon, they arrived at Chooki's house and saw his mum was carrying some boxes. Everyone helped with moving the boxes and, somehow Yasmin had helped even though she had crutches.

Mrs Mason mentioned that their new house was gonna be three storeys, one for their cousin Kiro and her family and the other two were for Chooki and his family.

When they arrived at the house they only unpacked a few boxes since it was dark, the triplets helped unpack a few things and they went back to their house. Chooki went to talk to them. "Hey guys." Chooki said. "Hey." Amanda said.

"I'll be back." Yasmin said and she went to her basement. Which wasn't really a basement. She had an in built dojo into it. She was trying to train but it wasn't going so well. She sat down and Chooki walked in.

She muttered to herself about he and her used to know each other but something happened. Yasmin didn't notice Chooki til he spoke up. "So, who was that person that you said that you used to know?" Chooki asked. "It was, uh, you." Yasmin said that to Chooki.

"How is that possible. 1 that I didn't know, 2 your siblings don't know and three my parents don't know." Chooki asked.

"You didn't know cause Notus wiped your memories of me, my siblings cause of the same reason and your parents didn't know about me cause when we were young I never went over house. I knew you before I met Jackson." Yasmin started the explanation.

She told him that they were best friends and when Chooki was moving to Benham City, Notus appeared and knew that only Yasmin would know about what happened, removed Chooki's, Joshua's and Amanda's memories and replaced them with new ones and only a reminder by Yasmin would give their memories back.

Luckily, Joshua and Amanda both heard. "Wow that is intense." Chooki said. "No kidding." Joshua and Amanda said and stepped out of the shadows. "I hate you two. Well we should all go to bed." Yasmin said and went to her room, locked it and fell asleep.

"Uh." Chooki said. "Yeah, surprising I know, she knows a lot more than it seems, anyways, you should go home now." Joshua said. "Yeah." Chooki said and left. Amanda and Joshua both went to their rooms and went to sleep.

The next day the triplets got up to go to school. Well, not everyone. Yasmin wasn't going to school straight away because she had to go to the doctors. So, she was going to be late. Her and Amanda. Amanda had to go with Yasmin to the doctors to help her out.

Chooki and Joshua were walking to school when they bumped into Maddison and her books went flying out of her hands. Joshua saw a pair of glasses and he caught it. "You wear glasses now?" Joshua asked her.

"Yeah. They're annoying." Maddison said as she took her glasses off of him and put them on to see where her books were. Maddison picked up most of her books but she couldn't find two books.

Chooki found one up a tree so he climbed up the tree and grabbed it while Joshua found one near a drain so he ran and grabbed it before it fell. "Well we should go to school." Chooki said. "I kind of forgot where it was." Maddison said nervously.

"Even though I don't know how someone, that has been at the school for so long, can forget where it is but we will help you." Joshua said to her. "Thanks." Maddison said and they went to the school.

They bumped into all their friends on the way and got asked where Yasmin and Amanda were and Joshua answered.

When they all got to school, they went straight to their classes since the bell rang. When free period was happening, they were all hanging out until they saw Yasmin and Amanda. Yasmin didn't have her crutches so they all were worried. Joshua ran up to his sisters and he looked happy.

"So they took the cast off." Joshua said. "Yeah." Amanda said. "How do you heal so fast?" Joshua asked. "Should I seriously answer that?" Yasmin asked. "No." Joshua said. "Now who tells the news." Amanda said and she and Joshua looked at Yasmin.

"Okay." Yasmin said and she pretended to limp over to the others. "Hey guys." Yasmin said as she smiled. "Why don't you have crutches anymore?" Gen asked. "I'm a fast healer." Yasmin said as she walked normally. "That isn't human." Ceylan said.

"I've heard that statement a lot." Yasmin said. "Also I've actually known Yasmin and her family longer than I knew." Chooki said and explained everything about the memories. The bell rang so everyone went back to their classrooms.

When sports happened for Yasmin, their coach, Coach Sentrasi, split the class into two teams with Yasmin and Chooki the captain of either team. "Good luck." Chooki said. "You too." Yasmin said and they went to their teams.

Yasmin was the white team and Chooki the yellow team. They all decided to play soccer since the entire class could agree on it, with the exception of a few, lazy girls who didn't want to do it. The game started and it was off to a good start for both teams.

They were starting to finish with 30 seconds left and the teams were tied. Then Yasmin scored for her team, with the last point and they won the game. "Wow Chooki got beat by a girl." a boy said. "It doesn't matter if it was a girl." Chooki said and Yasmin ran up to him.

"Great game. Chooki. You were great." Yasmin said. "You too and you just came off an injured leg." Chooki said. "Yeah, fast healer." Yasmin said. "Which is awesome." Chooki said and his coach called him and Yasmin to talk.

"You guys were great, especially Yasmin. I am also making Yasmin Co-captain of the soccer team, if that's okay with you Chooki." Coach Sentrasi suggested. "Fine with me." Chooki said. "So its official, Yasmin is not the only girl on the team but also Co-captain too." Coach Sentrasi said and everyone cheered. The bell rang so they went to their classes.

In the afternoon, the triplets, told their friends about how they were born with the powers to turn invisible, changing forms and illusions because they forgot to do it the day before. "Wow that is so cool." Toxsa said.

"I'm going home. See ya guys." Yasmin said as she walked home. "Hey Yasmin." Ceylan said and Yasmin jumped a bit. "Didn't mean to scare you." Ceylan said and Yasmin then realised that all her friends followed her.

"Where are you going. Your house is the other way." Maddison said. "I'm going to do some fishing. Wanna join." Yasmin said. "You don't have a fishing rod." Christine said. Yasmin opened her bag and took out a bamboo stick and extended it.

"I've got spares. So wanna join me?" Yasmin asked again. "Yeah, good thing it's the weekend tomorrow." Alexia said. They all went to a nearby lake and started fishing.

They all were fishing and all of them caught, some small to big fish but Chooki kept on getting old boots and seaweed. "Hey Toxsa, since you guys have known Chooki here better than me, why is he freaking out like that?" Yasmin asked him and they both saw Chooki freaking out.

"Normal. He's freaking out cause he isn't good at fishing." Toxsa replied. Yasmin went to Chooki and tried to get him to calm down. "Hey Chooki, you just need a little help." Yasmin said and she started to help him.

When she was done, she went back to her own fishing rod and waited to get a bite. She then heard someone congratulating someone so she looked next to her. "Awesome Chooki you actually got a fish." Toxsa said.

"Maybe its because he isn't dressed like the ice-cream man." Ceylan said. "I heard that." Chooki said and Ceylan ran behind a tree.

Edited: 26/01/17

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