Chapter 22

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Chooki's Pov

I was attacked by some stranger and the first thing that I was thinking was, what type of person attacks a guy walking calmly. I then looked up to see someone familiar but not itself. "Hello, Chooki." Yasmin said. Why did Yasmin attack me when she is my friend, was the only thing that came to mind. I then saw Yasmin with shorter hair, dark brown hair with black highlights, black and grey clothes and black and grey weapons. I tried linking to her and for a weird reason it worked. ' Yasmin, Yasmin are you there.' I mind asked her. 'Yeah, but the one that you are fighting is my evil version for me. You know what to do and also, you might actually have to fight me.' Yasmin mind said. 'No, I will not fight you.' I mind said. 'I am already weak as it is, so if you don't fight her, I'll get weaker.' Yasmin mind said.  'Okay.' I mind said and brought out my weapons. The evil version of Yasmin attacked me and we kept on attacking her. She attacked me long enough to get me weak. "Now, face your fate." Evil Yasmin said. "Wait, don't you actually remember me." I said, hoping to jog her memories. "Yeah, your Chooki, Lydendor of the tenkai knights, friends with the tenkai knights, most of the tenkai animals and most of the tenkai protectors. You people betrayed us, how could I forget." Evil Yasmin said. So, I need another way to get a distraction, I thought. Then Evil Yasmin got a message on her watch. "Your lucky, I can't attack someone unarmed." Evil Yasmin said and disappeared in fire smoke. "What the wa." was all I could say. I ran to Amanda's house so I could tell the others since they wanted to hang out there. "Guys we..." I said but I was cut off by Guren. "Hold that thought. We got Quarton trouble." Guren said and we ran to the portal. Why don't they ever listen to me, I thought as we transported to Quarton.

Dromus's Pov

So we arrive on Quarton and the first thing we see is the Corekai getting beat up. "So we meet again, everyone." We heard a familiar voice and when we look up, all we see is Amptella in a darker mode. All her white and silver parts were replaced with black and grey parts and all I could think was that, why does someone always turn evil. Amptella was fighting the Corekai and well, she wasn't using only her powers but she was using all of ours too and Acrasen's too. "Lydendor, can you explain, what the heck happened to Amptella." Tributon said.  "Can I explain later." Lydendor said, avoiding hits. "Yeah, but she is definitely evil, by the looks of it." Valorn said. They fought the corrupted, hoping not to fight their friend but they were wrong. Amptella attacked Bravenwolf and then she attacked all of them. When they got too weak, she stopped attacking them. "I'm not attacking you anymore, your too weak. What fun is it to attack anyone when you are too weak." Amptella said. "What makes you say that we are weak." I said, panting. "Hm, well the fact that you are panting right now and that you all can't stand properly." Amptella said and she disappeared in smoke. The corrupted retreated as soon as Amptella. "I wonder how she is  going to get back to good." Nevterus said. "You got a lot of explaining to do when we get back." Talpicot, aka Termin, said.  "Yeah, Cho... I mean Lydendor." Sandesy, aka Kiro, said. "Yep, and it'd better be a good explanation." Vaclorico, aka Wakemai, said. "Yeah, yeah I know." Lydendor said and we transported home.

Beni's Pov

So we got back to earth and Chooki tried running off. We surrounded him and caught him by, tying him up and dragging him to Amanda's house. "Who was she and she can't have been Yasmin." Amanda said. Gen then liked to me. 'Well I'm not getting into this, wanna go talk to Chooki and ask him instead of trying to  say random things that wouldn't make sense.' Gen thought to me. 'Yeah, better than this.' I thought and we walked over to Chooki. "Guys." He said but no one heard him. "Yeah, but it sounded like her." Ceylan said and right now, I really wanted to hit him. "Guys." Chooki said a little louder. "Someone might have taken her corebrick and it made her sound like her." Toxsa said. "You might want to yell." I said to Chooki. "Guys." Chooki finally shouted. "What." Everyone, but Gen, Chooki and I, yelled. "Untie me and I'll tell you guys about what happened." Chooki said. "Okay." Kiro said and untied him. "Okay, the evil Amptella on Quarton is the real Yasmin. She came back already and attacked me. She looks different with black and grey clothes, she had shorter hair, darker brown hair, black highlights and red eyes. She thinks that we are the bad guys and hates us. I know she is still good because I was abled to link with her. Well, as all of you should know because you should have already linked with someone. I know how to get her back on our side but its going to be hard. We are going to need a lot of rope." Chooki said. "Well its true, I'm linked to Guren." Alexia said. "And I am linked to Ceylan." Christine said. "Linked to Toxsa. Harder to play vs games but easier to play co-op games." Maddison said. "I am linked to Gen." I said. "I am linked to Termin." Amanda said. " And I am linked to the good Yasmin,  not the evil one." Chooki said. "So, Kiro and I are the only ones not linked to anyone." Wakemai said. "Yep." Amanda said. "Here's the plan." Chooki said and told us the plan. "That should work." Guren said.

Christine's Pov

It took us a week to get the resources that we needed but we finally did. The day we were ready, we went to the park because, Chooki linked to Yasmin and the good Yasmin brought the evil one to the park. We hid while Chooki attacked Yasmin ad brought her close enough to us. When she got close enough, we tied her up and put a cloth over her mouth. We dragged her to Amanda's house and put her in a chair and tied her up to the chair. Chooki took out Yasmin's bracelet and, as he told us, put his corebrick into the socket and he put her bracelet back on her. She started turning back to good but she didn't turn fully good. "Why isn't she fully good, did we do something wrong." I said freaking out. No one listened to me because I freaked out too much. Chooki took his corebrick out of the bracelet and put Yasmin's one, which turned white and silver again, put it on her and she became good again. "What happened?" Yasmin asked. "You turned evil. Remember." Maddison said. "Oh yeah." Yasmin said. "You know whats creepy." Termin said. "What." We all said. "How when she is evil, her hair is shorter but when she is good her hair is longer." Termin said. "Also her fringe is on the left when she is evil and her fringe is on the right when she is good." Beni said. "That actually makes sense." Gen said. We all looked to Yasmin and saw Yasmin change her weapons to daggers and cut herself free. "How did you do that?" Ceylan asked. "You guys wouldn't let me free." Yasmin said. "No, how did you change your weapons to daggers?" Alexia asked. "And how did you have our powers when you were on Quarton?" Gen asked. "Well, I over heard Jackson and Joshua talking about that so that's why they took some of my power." Yasmin said  "Cool." I said. "Ya do know that we are going to be late for school, right." Amanda said. "Right." Everyone said, Kiro went to her school, Wakemai went to her house and me and the others grabbed our bags and we all ran to school so we couldn't be late for class.


Sorry for not updating, school has taken over my life so yeah its hard. I'll also try to update tomorrow too.

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