Chapter 17

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Everyone but Yasmin and mr White, because Mr White was doing something, sat around the fire and talked. "Hey Amanda, I don't want to offence you but how can you have a corebrick." Ceylan said. "Hey guys, whatcha doing." Yasmin asked as she went out of her tent. "Amanda was just going to tell us how she can have a corebrick, weren't you Amanda." Christine said. "Actually I was, Christine. So want to join us." Amanda suggested. "Yeah just give me a sec." Yasmin said, went back into her tent and got marshmallows out. "What'd you pack with you, the supermarket." Ceylan said. "Actually I got food just in case I didn't want to eat the food we make. Most of it is lollies or chips. "Yasmin said. "Well popcorn to marshmallows. What next ice-cream." Chooki said. "Can I talk now." Amanda said. "Yes." Everyone said. "Okay, I might be a robot but my heart is living so I actually have tenkai energy living in me and that's how I can posses a corebrick." Amanda said. "Wow that's awesome." Christine said. "Hey Yasmin did you do the dare I asked you to do last night?" Gen asked. "Yeah I never backed out of a dare." Yasmin said.

They sat around the campfire and ate marshmallows. "Hey guys lets play truth or dare." Toxsa suggested. "Okay." Everyone said. "Who wants to go first." Beni said. "Me. Gen, truth or dare?" Maddison asked. "Dare." Gen said. "I dare you to act crazy for a minute." Maddison said. "Okay." Gen said and done the dare. "Ceylan, truth or dare?" Gen asked. "Truth." Ceylan said. "What's up with having goggles but not having a use for them?" Gen asked him. "I think they're cool." Ceylan answered. "Really." Alexia said. "Yeah, Christine truth or dare?" Ceylan asked. "Um truth." Christine said. "Did you actually know about your brother being evil or not?" Ceylan asked. "This is the last time I'm saying this, no I didn't know about him being evil and I didn't even think he had any friends actually." Christine said. "Would've figured." Ceylan said. "Okay truth or dare Chooki." Christine said. "Truth." Chooki said. "Why are you bad at fishing?" Christine asked. "What type of question is that." Chooki said. "Just answer it. "Just answer it." Christine said. "Um, I don't know, I just am." Chooki said and Yasmin blacked out.

10 minutes later, Yasmin woke up with water to her face. "Oh I so deserve that." Yasmin said. "Yep. Also, STOP BLACKING OUT!" Toxsa said, nearly shouting. "Okay but seriously stop freaking out." Yasmin said. Why'd you black out?" Maddison asked. "I don't know." Yasmin said. "Okay lets get back to the game. Guren truth or dare." Chooki said as everyone got back to their seats. "Dare." Guren said. "I dare you to dye your hair purple." Chooki said. "Okay 1 I would do it but 2 we don't got any dye." Guren said. "Actually I got some." Yasmin said and threw it over to Guren. "I think she actually did bring the supermarket." Ceylan said to Toxsa. "Yeah." Toxsa said. "I heard that." Yasmin said. "Sorry. Please don't bash us." Toxsa and Ceylan said in unison. "Okay lets do it." Guren said. *Time skip cause I want to* "Well Guren's hair is now purple." Alexia said. "Okay Alexia, truth or dare." Guren said. "Dare, I find it better." Alexia said. "I dare you to dye your hair red." Guren said. "I got that now. Also what if she doesn't..." Alexia said but Yasmin interrupted her. "Here's the red dye." Yasmin said and tossed it over to her. *Time skip again.* "You guys just switched hair colours." Toxsa said. "We know." Guren and Alexia said annoyed.

"Now Toxsa truth or dare." Alexia said. "Dare." Toxsa said. "Go into the woods for twenty minutes." Alexia said. "Okay." Toxsa said and went into the woods. "Christine, here's your mask." Ceylan said and they put scary masks on and went into the woods. "Ahhhh." Toxsa screamed like a girl and ran back to the campsite. "Scary people." Toxsa said and Ceylan and Christine went back to camp. "Hey Toxsa, nice screaming." Ceylan said and Christine and him took off the masks. "That was you two." Toxsa said. "Yep." they both said. "Well, Maddison truth or dare." Toxsa said. "Truth." Maddison said. "What's your favourite game?" Toxsa asked. "Doomsploder. Duh." Maddison said. "Cool." Toxsa said. "Okay, Yasmin truth or dare." Maddison said. "Dare." Yasmin said. "I dare you to have someone dye your hair a colour they want and you can't know until they are done." Maddison said. "Okay just give me a minute." Yasmin said and went into her tent and came back out with 10 different bottles of dye. "Okay, you guys can do it now." Yasmin said and she closed her eyes.

*Time skip to when they are done* "Okay Yasmin you can open your eyes." Maddison said and Yasmin opened her eyes. Maddison handed her a mirror and Yasmin saw that her hair was dyed in all the colours that she had. "Now I look like a multicoloured person. Creepy." Yasmin said. "So who had done it." Maddison said. "Simple. All of you. I could tell because it was dyed each of our favourite colours and because you all have a little bit of dye left on your hands." Yasmin said. "We should have washed it off." Alexia said. "Okay Amanda, truth or dare." Yasmin said. "Truth. I've got nothing to hide." Amanda said. "How can you go into water if your a robot?" Yasmin asked. "Okay my body is waterproof and my heart is living sis. Also please don't ask me anything like that again it gets annoying having to explain it to a lot of people." Amanda said. "Awesome and I won't ask you again sis." Yasmin said. "Okay. Beni truth or dare." Amanda said. "Dare." Beni said. "I dare you to get Yasmin's water gun and go crazy with it." Amanda said. "Give me the guns." Beni said with creepy clown makeup on. "When did you..." Ceylan started but was interrupted. "That's not important right now. I've got a dare to do." Beni said and she did her dare.

As soon as Beni was done with the dare the fire went out. "Oh come on." Ceylan said. "I'll do it." Guren said and grabbed the matchsticks. He went over to the fire and tried using the matchsticks but they wouldn't work. He put the matchsticks down and just rubbed his hands for no good reason and the fire lit up. "How did that happen?" Alexia asked. "Don't know." Guren said. "Well it worked at least." Ceylan said. "Well I never got to truth or dare anyone." Beni said. "Okay so who is it then?" Ceylan asked hoping it wasn't him. "Okay its everyone and a dare." Beni said. "Okay so what is the dare then?" Gen asked calmly. "I dare everyone to jump into the mud and after the water." Beni said. "Oh come on mud, seriously Beni." Toxsa complained. "Zip it microchip. Its a dare and everyone's doing it, even me." Beni said. "I'll be the first to complete the dare." Yasmin said and she jumped into the mud which made everyone soon jump into it. "Now lets do the water part of the dare." Beni said and she dove into the water. Everyone followed with Guren and Alexia just jumping in, Ceylan being pushed by Christine who was then pushed by Maddison who tripped in, Toxsa tripped and fell in with a big splash, Yasmin back flipped in, Chooki front flipped in, Gen dove in and Amanda and Termin karate-kicked in. "Well the dare has officially been done." Beni said

Everyone got out 10 minutes after they went into the water and they got ready for bed. When Yasmin got into bed she didn't see Amanda get out of her bed and leave the tent. The next day Yasmin woke up and she woke Amanda up and they both went outside of their tent to have breakfast. Yasmin remembered that she had to check something on her phone so she ran back into her tent, grabbed her phone and sat down to eat breakfast with her friends. "Ugh I'm bored." Toxsa whined. "Stop whining Toxsa. You're always bored anyways." Gen said. "How come Yasmin gets to go on her phone." Toxsa said. "I'm just checking something." Yasmin said looking up from her phone for a second but looking back at it. "Now what do we do cause now I'm bored too." Maddison asked. "Don't know but, um uh, I'm going back to my tent." Yasmin said, quickly and ran into her tent. "I'll go see what's wrong with her." Chooki said. "Yeah that's a good idea since you've kinda known her longer than we have." Alexia said. "Hey Yasmin can I come in?" Chooki asked her from outside of her tent. "Yeah." Yasmin said and Chooki went in. "What's wrong?" Chooki asked her. "I have to..." Yasmin started.


Cliffhanger much.

Anyways sorry to everyone that I haven't been updating as much but school has stressed me too much this month and I don't have internet as much so sorry again. I also have my holidays coming up so it would be hard for me to update cause my family would probably drag me out of my room and off my computer and probably take me to a place that I don't want to go and if I do end up updating please be happy because it will be hard

If anyone can guess the cliffhanger part right then I would update the next chapter in the next week.

Peace out people and stay awesome

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