Chapter 16

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While Yasmin was cooking breakfast, Chooki got the water gun and started waking everyone up. "I really am not going to regret this." Chooki said and shot water at Toxsa. He woke up and Yasmin gave Toxsa a different water gun. "How does she have so much things?" Toxsa asked Chooki. "I don't want to know." Chooki answered. Toxsa filled up the water gun that was given to him but when they got to Gen and Beni, they were scared of waking them up. "I don't want to get beaten up." Toxsa said. "Neither do I." Chooki said. "Um Yasmin. Can you wake them up." Toxsa asked her. "Yeah give the water guns." Yasmin said and got up from her spot to get the water guns. She got them and went over to Gen and Beni. "I've got no idea why they wouldn't do it." Yasmin said and shot water at both of them. Gen and Beni woke up but they looked sleepy. "Who did that. If it was Toxsa or Ceylan then they're in big..." Gen started when Yasmin interrupted him. "Dude I'm the only one who would think to do that " Yasmin said. "Oh yeah since this is the third water thing that you did. And mean the one at Mr White's shop, the water fight yesterday and this." Beni said. "Yeah, I really got to stop that." Yasmin said.

After everyone got changed and ate breakfast Yasmin prepared, they all talked about what activity they might do next. "I hoe its archery." Amanda said. "Your a robot so you could beat everyone.." Toxsa put in. "Even if she is a robot, I still think she's my sister." Yasmin said and Joshua and Guren nodded. "How sappy. Having a robot as a sister, maybe I can be your brother." a voice said and Granox and Slyger dropped down from a tree. "What in the name of Quarton is going on!" Ceylan yelled. "What are we supposed to do!" Christine yelled. "Run." Alexia said and they all run. "What are we doing, don't we have weapons." Joshua yelled. "Oh yeah." Amanda said and got her weapons out. "This is really making no sense." Maddison said as her and all her friends halted to a stop and got out their weapons. "Well, well, well we meet again Yasmin or should I say Amptella." a voice said and went out from behind a tree. "Jackson." Yasmin said sharply.

"What're you doing here?" Yasmin asked him. "Came round to see a new friend or an old one." Jackson said. "I'm not your friend and I don't ever want to be." Yasmin yelled at him. "You could say that or I could brainwash you into being my acomplice." Joshua said. "Like I'm going to let you." Yasmin said. "Oh stop talking, let's just fight." Jackson said and got his weapons out. Everyone attacked Granox and Slyger but Jackson attacked Yasmin. "Guys we have to protect Yasmin." Guren yelled. "Why again?" Ceylan asked. "Because Jackson wants her for some reason." Chooki said. "Right, wait where'd they go." Toxsa said and they looked aroulnd and couldn't find them. "Guys. Move." Gen yelled as they all moved from where Granox was about to crush them. "Well we have goon bots to deal with." Beni said and they all attacked Slyger and Granox. "With these two dumpster bots, we won't get to Yasmin in time." Alexia stated. "Just fight." Christine said.

Meanwhile in an unknown place in the forest, Yasmin was battling Jackson. "Looks like I got you away from your friends so you can't get back up." Jackson said. "I don't need always need them to hurt you. But I would to defeat you." Yasmin said as she fought. "You don't know do you. How I know where you always are without anyone telling me." Jackson said. "Near the top things of what I'm thinking." Yasmin said and they stoped battling. "Let's just say a certain brother of yours is well, hmm how should I put this, evil. Ever since the day we became enemies he has been giving me info on you." Jackson said with a smirk. "You don't mean, no it can't be." Yasmin said shaking. "Joshua. Oh yes I do mean him. That's how I've been able to find you everytime." Jackson said. "Why you little..." Yasmin said dropping her weapons, floating in the air and starts shooting thunderstorms at him. Back at the fight with Granox and Slyger, Christine and Ceylan shot Granox and Slyger back to Quarton. They all heard yelling and screaming and all of them ran to that spot.

When they arrived at that spot, they saw Yasmin floating with thunderstorms around her. "Until *cough* we meet *cough* again." Jackson said and threw a smoke bomb and he disappeared. Yasmin fell and Chooki caught her. He carried her on his back and they all ran back to the camp. Chooki put Yasmin on her sleeping bag, letting her rest. *Time skip to afternoon* Yasmin opened one eye and got up from her sleeping bag. "Uh guys, what happened?" Yasmin asked her friends. "Oh good you're awake." Amanda said. "I was so worried." Chooki said hugging her. "Ouch. Chooki that hurts." Yasmin said. "Sorry. Anyways what happened?" Chooki asked letting go. "Well, Jackson said something, then I got angry and then thunderstorms surrounded me and it Jackson so much and after I just blacked out." Yasmin explained. "What did he say to get you so worked up." Joshua said worried. "You." Yasmin said. "What about me?" Joshua asked. "Get out of here. You don't belong here and your supposed to be my brother." Yasmin said coldly. "So he told you my secret, huh." Joshua said. "What do you mean?" Guren asked. "I'm on the evil team." Joshua said. "What." Everyone, but Joshua and Yasmin, exclaimed.

"What... What do you mean your evil." Guren said. "I mean I'm on the bad side." Joshua answered. "For all the time that I've known you, I never expected you to be evil." Termin said. "Well who cares." Joshua said. "GET. OUT. OF. MY. LIFE. NOW." Yasmin said. "1 you can't make me and 2 your too weak to fight me." Joshua said. "Don't ever call me weak." Yasmin said and stood up. "What're you doing. You're gonna get yourself hurt." Maddison said. "Don't underestimate me." Yasmin said and summoned her weapons. She put her two weapons together and put all her energy into it and summoned a white owl. The white owl went to Joshua and carried him. "Now take him back to his master." Yasmin said to the owl amd it flew away with Joshua. "What the, how in the world..." Toxsa started but Yasmin interrupted him. "Did I do that. Well I've been working on it for so long and when I was eleven it worked and I've been using it ever since." Yasmin explained but she collapsed. Chooki ran over to her. "That took alot of energy out of me. Need rest." Yasmin said and fell asleep. Chooki carried her over to her tent and put her inside.

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