Chapter 20

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I decided to do Povs from this chapter which is kind of silly because I decided to do it from a late chapter. Also school is going to get in my way so if I don't update, its because of school.

Joshua's Pov
I was spying on the defenders of Quarton to get info. I called up Jackson on my watch to talk to him. "Jackson, I have info." I whispered to him. "What info." Jackson demanded. "Well Yasmin is stuck in her yelling state so when she talks, she yells." I said. "How is that useful." Jackson said. "Its because she has to move back to our old town and she can't tell anyone so if she can't speak for two days, she will have alot of issues in our old town." I said. "Then we can use it." Jackson said. "Yes." I said and I ended the call. I then used my water powers to fly over the lake without being spotted.

Amanda's Pov
"Try breathing in and out." Guren suggested to Yasmin. She breathed in and out and yelled out 'Its not working'. I knew it wasn't going to work because at this stage, nothing would work. "So what are we supposed to do, we've done everything." Toxsa said. "Well we can't do anything and just let the worse happen." I said. "At least nothing worse can happen." Ceylan said. Its not like they know what is going to happen. "Lets enjoy the rest of the day because its the last day of our camp." Alexia said and we all nodded. We grabbed our stuff and left the lake and went back to the campsite.

Guren's Pov
We went back to the campsite and enjoyed the rest of the day. After we finished talking and eating dinner, we went to sleep. The next day, Wakemai woke us up by a horn. I looked over to Ceylan and saw that he didn't wake up. I got changed and woke him up. "How did you not wake up from that horn?" I asked him. "I don't know." He said. I got up and went out of my tent and saw that only half of us were up. After a few minutes the rest came out of their tents and we ate breakfast. "Now that you have eaten, get up and pack your bags because we are going back to town. We all said yes, but we noticed that Yasmin didn't say anything. "Yasmin, you're going to do it right." Wakemai said and she nodded. I had a feeling that she lost her voice but I didn't want to tell anyone. We went into our tents and packed and since Ceylan and I took down our tent first, we helped everyone with their tents too. Mr White, Wakemai, Amand and Yasmin piled everything into the cars while we talked.

"Hey guys, whats up with Yasmin. She isn't talking." Ceylan said. "Its obvious she lost her voice." Termin said. "How do you know that?" I asked him. "I hung out with Amanda and Joshua so they told me everything." Termin said. "Oh that makes more sense." I said. Then Wakemai yelled for us to get into the car and we all jumped in. We were all in the same seats and car as we came to the camp. I then saw Yasmin jump down from a tree and heard Amanda say that she hid some lollies there. No one fell asleep on the ride home which was weird because about half of us did when we went to the camp. Wakemai and Mr White dropped us all at our house and the good thing was that Ceylan and I were in Wakemai's car so she dropped us off at my housr. When we went to our room, we crashed out on our beds.

Ceylan's Pov
Guren and I woke up and I thought it was later in the day but when I checked the time, I saw that it was the weekend and it was the morning. I went to the bathroom to change and after I showered and changed, I heard Guren yell 'What'. I ran to his room, I was thankful he didn't change yet, but when I got there, I saw something different. "You got wolf ears and a wolf tail." I said. "Yeah, but you got hawk wings." Guren said. "What." I exclaimed. I looked in the mirror and as he said, I did have hawk wings. "How did I not notice this when I was changing." I said. "Your seriously asking me." Guren said and then Mr Nash came into the room. "I heard a yell, what happend?" Mr Nash asked. He then saw that I had hawk wings and Guren had wolf ears and a tail. "We need to get to Mr White's shop." Mr Nash said. We put our bikes in his car and he drove us to Mr White's shop. We got down and ran in and saw that Chooki, Kiro, Yasmin and Amanda were missing. We also saw that everyone was wearing their hooded jackets, just like us. Soon after we came into Mr White's shop, Chooki, Kiro, Yasmin and Amanda came in, wearing their hooded jackets. We then went to the plan room and Mr White asked 'What happened'. We all then took off our hoodies and there was a surprise from each of us.

Toxsa's Pov
After we took off our hoodies, we saw that we all had different features. Guren had wolf ears and a tail, Ceylan had hawk wings, I had a mini turtle shell, Chooki had dragon wings, Gen had wolf ears and a tail too, Alexia had cheetah ears and a tail, Christine had min bull horns and a tail, Maddison had phoenix wings, Yasmin had owl wings, Beni had six more hands, Amanda had wolf ears and a cheetah tail, my sister had a small turtle shell and phoenix wings, Kiro had one owl wing and one dragon wing and Termin had wolf ears, a wolf tail and six more hands. "How did this happen?" Mr White asked. "When we woke up,we found ourselves like this." Wakemai and I said and everyone, that had the animal parts, nodded. "Okay so we know that we have different animal parts and my sister can't talk." Guren said. "You found out about that, where's Joshua and why can't she talk?" Mr Nash asked. "Let me fill you in. Joshua is bad, Amanda is a robot and Yasmin lost her voice yelling at Toxsa and Maddison for fighting. Wakemai, Kiro, Termin and Amanda are the tebkai protectors, well Joshua was supposed to be one until he told us that he was evil, the girls are the tenkai animals and you already know the boys. Oh and we all have powers." Guren said and we showed our powers. "Oh and the bad guys want Yasmin's power for some reason." Chooki added. "Yasmin, get down." Amanda said looking up. We all looked up and saw Yasmin flying. "I'll get her down." Chooki said and flew up, grabbed her and pulled her down. "How can you control your wings?" Ceylan asked. "I concentrate on controlling them." Chooki said.

Chooki's Pov
After I got Yasmin down, we all just talked and everyone was most surprised about Beni and Termin having eight hands. "So what do we do know." Toxsa asked. "Well some of us still need to control our animal parts." Beni said, trying to move her other hands. "Toxsa and my parent's would freak if friends came over with freaky animal parts." Wakemai said. "They're more my friends." Toxsa muttered and Wakemai wacked him on the head. "Hm, we can train at me and my sister's house, if its fine with you guys." Amanda said. "Yeah, we could come." Alexia said. We went outside and realised that we were the only ones without our bikes. "We didn't get time to grab them." Amanda said. "We sorta freaked out." I said. We ran to Amanda's house and to our surprise, we got there before them. Yasmin sat down, while I helped the others control their animal parts. Alexia found out that she could run faster so she took over. I sat down and just watched them. I then heard someone talk inside my head saying I wish I could help them. 'Who was that, who are you?' I asked them through my mind.
School came up and now I have to suffer so if I update, it will probably be once a week unless I am having problems then it would be longer.

Also I got up to 1k reads. Thanks to everyone who read this story.

Peace out people from another world

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