14. Dilemma

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Happy Mahashivratri ✨

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"You are sure about this right ? ", Meera asked me from the other end.

After coming back home , I had taken Meera and Diya on a conference call and narrated how me and Veer have mutually decided to fake date each other.

"I am telling you, do not do all this bullshit. What if you are single? that Anisha is no one to judge... ", Diya said.

"I know but I can't back off now. Our friends assume me and Veer are dating. I will come out as a fool if they get to know that we aren't dating, especially during the wedding. We can't ignore the fact that me and Veer both will be present there. So it's better to stick to the plan for time being. It's benefitting both of us. ", I explained.

"Fine. As long as it doesn't get you and us into any trouble. ", Meera said with an exasperated sigh.

"I am still against it but whatever ", Diya taunted.

"We will be fine Diyaa. I promise. Nothing will go wrong. ", I assured her.

"Okay Prisha, if you say so ", Diya replied.

"So how's the wedding preparation going on, bride to be ", I chirped changing the topic.

"My godddd.... Marriages are soo hectic. My parents have given me this huge list of people they want to call and I am cutting down each name... I don't want so many people. I have been convincing them since the last 2 days to call only close relatives to the wedding in Jaipur and other distant ones to the reception that we are planning to host in Mumbai . I hope they get convinced. ", Meera sounded tired.

"Hmmm .... Keep trying they will listen. And what about the dressessss ", Diya almost yelled. This girl was crazy about dresses and shopping.

"I have been working on my and Harsh's wedding attire personally since the day Harsh proposed to me and its close to complete. And I have also selected some of the dresses for you both from my collection so you both need to visit my store in Mumbai whenever you are free. My staff will show you all the lovely dresses in my absence , so don't worry ", Meera said with a glint of enthusiasm in her voice.

Meera was going back to Delhi to her Parents' house tomorrow for all the wedding preparations, and meanwhile she was staying at Harsh's place. Yes, her in-laws had insisted her to stay at their place the moment they got to know about their relationship.

"Suree.. I will tell you when we will be visiting", I said.

"Yup, that works.... And what about the sangeet guys... are you even practicing the dances that my choreographer has sent. ", Meera asked. Meera had hired a choreographer and he had already sent us the videos of the dances for the sangeet .

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