35. I hate you!

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A week had passed by since the wedding. Veer, Sahil, Diya and I had flown back to Mumbai the next day of the wedding whereas Harsh and Meera were back here at Harsh's house after staying in Jaipur for two extra days to spend time with their families.

Everything had settled back into its routine except that I was trying to avoid a certain someone who actually had become 'a part of my routine' in the past few weeks. I had busied myself with a lot of meetings, new clients, projects but his presence in my life was like a quiet ache I tried to ignore. Our interactions were limited to occasional encounters in the lift, as we engaged in small talks. The reason for that would be me, of course. Yeah right, It's me, Hi! I am the problem, it's me!

Whenever Veer tried to initiate a conversation, I found myself cutting it short stating that 'I have work piled up , I need to rush to the office', which wasn't really a lie but at the back of my mind I knew exactly why I was pushing him away.

I had dry texted to his 'hi's' and 'hellos' too, which wasn't really my nature to be honest. Though I preferred talking over phone to texting but never had I knowingly or unknowingly replied so half-heartedly to someone I had grown fond of. Yeah, I couldn't deny that I had grown fond of him, his presence, his voice,his flirty comments, his smile, his everything.

And that scared me to the core. I was scared of this temporary arrangement becoming real. I was scared of what would happen if Diya's words were actually true. But what if we were just reading too much between the lines? What if it was just a temporary arrangement for him too. Because if it wasn't he would have come after me by now. Why was he ignoring me!

'Stop blaming him for your ignorance now, Prisha!' my conscience belittled me.

Arghhhh! My period brain sucks.

I had woken up to be greeted by Aunt Flo. Yeah, not a very pleasant morning I must say. And the cramps had just gotten worse this time. I somehow had woken up from the bed and freshened up only to find myself sprawled on the sofa, contemplating my life choices.

My house was a mess just like me. It was the weekend and I hadn't bothered to clean it up. I had very conveniently shifted the pile of washed clothes that I had kept on the sofa and made some space for me to sleep.

And then Veer ignoring me wasn't helping either. The same thought crossed my mind multiple times. Why the hell was he not coming after me? Doesn't he like me anymore? I knew I was being a hypocrite here but mood swings can sometimes be consuming. No one could blame me for that.

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