29. Morning Bliss

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I woke up with a gasp startled by the loud bang on the room's door. I was a light sleeper so even the slightest of noise could jolt me out of my deep slumber. A yawn escaped my mouth as I reached for my mobile to check the time. Six thirty in the morning! Who the hell is banging the door this early? Another loud bang made me almost jump on my place. I scanned the room to notice Veer, sleeping like a log. Another bang resonated in the room but Veer did not even flinch a little. He was indeed Mr.Wild Boar.

I was surely not gonna open the door. Firstly, I was sleepy and Secondly, what if it was an intruder ! Grabbing an extra pillow, I stretched my hand towards Veer and started hitting his face with the pillow.

He grumbled incoherently under his breath as he finally woke up. Sitting on his bed, his gaze roamed around the room to finally settle on me.

"What are you doing in my room ?", his raspy voice rumbled through the room. Hearing his hoarse voice, I clenched my blanket as I felt something down south. I just kept staring at him as he rubbed his eyes , his messy hair making me forget he had asked me a question.

How can someone look cute and sound sexy at the same time.

Another knock on the door made me aware of the reason why I had woken him up.

"Wake up idiot . And it's not your room, it's ours.", he raised his eyebrows, a slight smirk forming on his face. Stop smirking! Its six in the morning for god's sake!

"I mean-, go open the door ", another knock helped me to quickly direct my attention to the main reason why we were awake early in the morning.

"You sleep, I will open it ", he mumbled in between the yawns. I stretched leisurely and laid back on the bed from my sitting position while Veer went to open the door.

"How dare youuuu ", I heard a familiar feminine voice echo in the room which grew louder with each passing second. I jolted up from my sleep, sitting straight on my bed. Before I could process what exactly was happening, I saw a fuming Diya charging towards Veer who was now almost running backwards. Within a fraction of seconds, he stumbled back as he reached my bed and fell on his back beside me.

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