1.18; forgetting nightmares

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                                                                 As the night deepened, an oppressive silence settled over the camp, accompanied by the constant drone of flies attempting to infiltrate the sanctuary of the tents. Natalie cloaked in her emotional tempest, found herself incapable of uttering a single word to Rick. In the crucial moment when she yearned for her father's comforting presence, he was conspicuously absent, and in his place was Shane.

Lying still on the makeshift bed, Natalie's mind echoed with the haunting memories of her best friend succumbing to the ravenous jaws of Walkers. The weight of grief bore down on her, and the canvas walls of the tent offered little solace in the darkness. 

Her eyes remained open, fixated on the shadows that danced across the tent's interior. The subtle rustling sounds hinted at Shane's presence, his sleeping forms a mere arm's length behind her, a testament to the complex entanglement of emotions that lingered in the air.

Shane moved his hand to her waist. "Shane" Her words came out as a mutter; her body nude under the blankets. Only have black underwear on. Shane was wearing his boxers and no shirt next to her since there was nothing but heat surrounding them. 

 "If I make love to you right now, would it fuck you up?" His voice was hard; holding onto her hips. 

Her head had shaken a little wanting to forget even for a moment about everything that was happening. Shane was mad at Rick, meaning he had something to get off of his chest; and Natalie couldn't get the night out of her head. Felt his hand grab softly on her underwear moving it aside a little bit; as she stared off into the darkness. "Please," Muttering under her lips. "Do." 

Not looking and seeing what he was doing. Shane had entered her causing her to arch her back a little biting in a moan that was trying to escape. He had taken a second for her to become comfortable. Before moving her hips softly and slowly thrusting in and out of her from behind. 

Turning her head to the darkness; Natalie moved her head connecting the two of their lips. Shane trailed his hand away from her hip cupping the side of her face. 

Their lips met in a slow, deliberate dance, a mixture of desire and hesitation lingering in the air. The tender kiss resonated with an undeniable passion that seemed to flow through their bodies, creating an intoxicating atmosphere. Despite the awareness that the moment was veering into forbidden territory, Shane sought to convey something more profound, his hand confidently cupping the side of her face.

In the quiet stillness, both dared not to utter a single word, allowing the intensity of the connection to speak for itself. Each lingering touch, each shared breath, silently communicated a language of desire and longing, creating an unspoken dialogue that hung heavily in the air.

Moaning into his mouth as he caught it for her. Natalie's hand trailed his own gripping her face as she traced his movement. Shane had thursted into her softly and slowly as she turned her head back around. His mouth slowly traced kisses on her bareback. The large hand of the man cupped her boob lightly. Slowly moving her ass up, backing into his thrust as the two of them moved slowly taking in every moan, and feeling that they were giving. 

Sitting up behind her as he grabbed onto her ass moving and feeling it softly; Natalie moaned into the pillow in front of her head. Shane leaned down kissing her neck feeling the silver of his chain trace her bareback. Removed the rest of his boxers; clenching inside of her before grabbing onto her waist and pulling out of her. Natalie moaned turning around and connecting their lips; intoxicated with his smell and protection. 

Shane had held onto her back as she sat up sore; he lowered himself as Natalie had straddled him lowering herself on his cock. Her hand was in between their bodies, now that they were face to face. Holding the side of her face thrusting anger into her but it was soft and passionate anger. 

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