2.15 ; decision

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                                                        Emerging from the bathroom, Natalie almost collided with Maggie, whose startled reaction indicated she hadn't expected the encounter. Natalie, curious, asked if everything was right and closed the bathroom door behind her, emphasizing the need for a private conversation. The two hadn't connected in a while, each preoccupied with their respective responsibilities.

Maggie, visibly nervous, nodded in response. Natalie, keenly observant, registered the unease and nodded in understanding. As her gaze shifted to the kitchen, where her father was, Maggie seized Natalie's arm, ushering her outside of the house in a hurry.

In the shaded corner of the farm, away from prying eyes, Maggie divulged the urgency. "My dad's trying to get rid of ya'll," she confessed. It was information Natalie was already acquainted with, having had a conversation with Rick about convincing Hershel to extend their stay.

Natalie, standing there with a mixture of apprehension and fear, acknowledged, "I know. My dad mentioned something about convincing him to stay longer." The sunlight played across Maggie's face as they both squinted, contemplating the uncertainties that lay ahead.

"He's certain, ya'll are nun but danger" Maggie admitted to her, shifting on her feet feeling guilty about this. "' Specially after that incident with Daryl." 

Natalie sighed, recognizing the weight of the situation. "Yeah, that didn't help our case," she acknowledged. "But we're not all the same. We just need a bit more time to prove ourselves."

Maggie nodded, understanding the complexity of the predicament. "I know, but my dad can be stubborn. He thinks this farm is the last haven left, and he doesn't want anything jeopardizing that."

"It's safe to keep Walker's away..." Natalie pointed out, Maggie blinked a couple of times shocked that she knew this information. 

Holding on for a second the two of them waited; Maggie seemed to be irritated now. "Glenn told you...." 

"We just need a little more time," Natalie reiterated not caring if Glenn told her or not, a plea in her eyes. "We can't survive out there on our own, not in this world. We need this place. I need this place, Maggie...Walkers or not..." 

Maggie sighed, torn between loyalty to her family and sympathy for Natalie's predicament. "I'll try talking to him too, but I can't promise anything. After ya'll found out about it" she admitted, glancing back at the farmhouse where her father's stubbornness could alter the fate of their group. 

Maggie sighed, looking at her hands, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Are you and Glenn, you know, sleeping together? You can tell me, and all, but I just wa—"

"No... No," Natalie shook her head, a small laugh escaping her lips. She couldn't help but find the question a bit amusing. "We're just friends, Maggie. Nothing more."

Maggie raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Really? 'Cause it seemed like there might be something more going on. I mean, you're always together, and, well, people talk, you know?"

Natalie chuckled, "Glenn's a great guy, but too young for me...." Crossing her arms around her chest with a small tilt of her head. Maggie eyed this and nodded her head. 

Maggie gave her a knowing look. "Okay, just making sure."

Natalie grinned, appreciating Maggie's attempt to lighten the mood. "He's a great guy though," Admitted to her knowing that Glenn liked Maggie since he laid his eyes on her with it being a bit obvious. "He told me 'cause he was worried..." 

The young woman had turned to the smell of food being made, it hurting her stomach cringing at the smell of it. "Ya' okay?" Eyeing Natalie who nodded her head swallowing the throw up at the bottom of her stomach trying to come up and out of her stomach. 

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