2.31 ; left behind

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                                                                Deep within the dense foliage of the forest, Natalie found herself pausing for a moment to catch her breath, her heart pounding in rhythm with the distant echoes of gunfire. Beside her, Rick maintained a vigilant stance, his weapon poised to fend off any encroaching Walkers that dared to venture near.

As the tension thickened, Natalie's senses sharpened, and she raised her firearm, her gaze fixed on a lone Walker steadily advancing towards their position. Amidst the decay and disarray of its form, she noticed distinct features—a mop of dark brown hair and a clean-shaven face. Yet, the most unsettling aspect remained the milky whiteness that enveloped its eyes, a telltale sign of the soulless beings they faced.

Curiosity mingled with apprehension as Natalie studied the approaching figure, her head tilting ever so slightly as she scrutinized the familiar contours of its face. There, amidst the haunting facade of the Walker, she recognized a semblance—a haunting resemblance—to someone she once knew: Shane.

Feeling her heart inside of everything. Holding a second the groan sounded closer with Natalie unloading the gun towards him. "Iris," Grabbing her attention for the three of them to continue. She turned her head looking at Rick and Carl ready to continue before seeing that the Walker wasn't Shane. It was some random male. 

Stumbling back since her mind was playing tricks on her. Natalie grabbed onto Rick's hands continuing. The sounds of gunshots still being heard, had grabbed Natalie's attention running and made her way towards it with Rick and Carl. 

They went running around the house there seemed to be no one else in it. "They left," Natalie informed Rick rushing back towards him. "Where's mom!?" panicking feeling like she needed someone like that.

Grabbing onto Carl who was panicking with Rick growing silent looking at a Walker before pulling the trigger. When the Walker had fallen it had revealed Hershel who was holding a shotgun and defending his farm. "Where's Lori?!" 

"It's like a plague. they're everywhere." Hershel had panicked more worried about the Farm than the people who were alive and inside of it. 

Raising his voice louder; "Lori did you see her!??" 


Looking around and seeing that they were about to be trapped in a corner with Walkers everywhere. "We have to go," Rick had pointed out the three of them. 

Shaking her head, feeling her heart drop to her stomach with a lot of things inside of her; telling her that nothing good was about to happen. "I'm not leaving without Mom," She fought back grabbing onto her gun and shooting a close by Walker. 

"Natalie, we will find her;" Promised her; with the woman turning and looking at her father biting down on her lip a little bit. Not knowing what she could trust and what she couldn't. 

Hershel had started fighting back with Rick pulling the man to get into the car that was close by. Natalie grabbed onto Carl almost as protection and comfort. Felt her little brother hug her scared about where their mom could be. Grabbing the door of the car, Natalie ducked getting into the backseat with her brother grabbing a hold of her tightly. 

Rick had to scream at Hershel a little bit after starting the engine of the working car before the man ducked down getting into the car as well. They drove up away from the Barn, seeing the horror that was behind them. Filled with levels of darkness. The fire from the Barn spreading larger and larger. 

Hours had passed with Natalie not being able to sleep on the car ride back to where Sophia had disappeared. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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