2.25 ; jury

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Inside the bustling house, filled with the murmur of voices and the shuffling of feet, Natalie stood at the periphery, her mind a tumultuous sea of emotions. She found herself gravitating towards Shane, yet a deep-seated unease gnawed at her gut, leaving her unsure of how to navigate the tension that hung heavy in the air.

It was a conflicting blend of frustration, confusion, and simmering anger at being kept in the dark as if she were deemed too insignificant to be privy to the truth.

As she stood beside Shane, Natalie's gaze remained fixed on the floor, avoiding any eye contact that might lead to a conversation she wasn't ready to have. She bit down on her lip, suppressing the urge to lash out, her hands clenched into fists at her sides. The silence between them was thick with unspoken words, each moment stretching out into an eternity as she grappled with her inner turmoil.

Questions swirled in Natalie's mind, doubts creeping in like tendrils of smoke. What else had they kept from her? Could she trust anything they said anymore? The tension was palpable, intensified by the weight of the secrets that hung heavily in the air.

The revelation of Dale's confrontation with Shane only added fuel to the fire, casting doubt on the very foundation of their group dynamics.

Amid the chaos, Rick stood at the centre of the room, a beacon of stability amidst the storm.

His presence offered a semblance of reassurance, yet Natalie couldn't shake the feeling of being adrift in a sea of uncertainty. She watched as Carl entered the room, his young face a mask of apprehension under the scrutiny of their group's gaze.

When Lori nodded for Carl to retreat upstairs, Natalie felt a pang of empathy for her younger brother.

She understood all too well the weight of expectation and the burden of responsibility that rested on Carl's shoulders, yet she couldn't bear to see him navigate this turmoil alone. With a resolute determination, she decided to follow Carl, knowing that he was the one person she could confide in without fear of judgment or reproach.

Despite the quizzical looks from those around her, Natalie forged ahead, her footsteps echoing softly on the stairs as she ascended. She knew that in Carl's presence, she would find solace and understanding, a sanctuary amidst the chaos that threatened to consume them all.

As she reached the top of the staircase, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that surrounded them, knowing that together, they would weather this storm.

Carl was sitting in the room that used to be Beth's before she was bedridden for the moment. Natalie knocked on the door peeking her head into the room. "Can I come in? It better be a yes," Not taking an answer and just walking into the room.

"It was no answer," Carl turned looking at the door before looking back out the window like nothing happened.

Walking more over to her brother sitting next to him on the bed. "Sometimes no answer is the answer," The two siblings sat in silence taking one another in; "What's going on Carl,"

"Nothing," The little boy obviously lied.

"So Shane didn't tell me you were talking to Randell," Natalie inquired gaining Carl's attention with the brunette obviously disappointed. "He told me Carl, along with Mom and Dad punishing you..."

Finally taking the second to open and start taking to his sister knowing he would rather have her talking to him than a lecture from Lori or Rick. "I told Carl there's no reason to believe Sophia's in heaven....Dad already gave me the talk,"

"I'm not your parent Carl, That's why thankfully mom and dad are here." Natalie nodded her head; Carl had went silent one more time ducking his head down staring at the wood pannels. "I'm supposed to be the one sneaking you out, letting you have your first drink..." Joking and shoving his shoulder a little bit. "So don't put that responsibility on me having to watch you twenty four seven, Buddy."

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