1.22 ; buzzkill

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                                                                           The arrival at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C.D.C.) should have been a beacon of hope, a sanctuary promising safety and answers for the survivors. Instead, it unleashed a tidal wave of dread and discomfort. The once sterile and secure facility now stood shrouded in an unsettling atmosphere, surrounded by a macabre scene.

The exterior of the building was a chilling spectacle, a grim testament to the world that had succumbed to chaos. 

Corpses, lined up in a grotesque assembly, pressed against one another, forming a grotesque wall of death. Each lifeless figure stood in eerie proximity, close enough to instil a sense of imminent danger, their vacant eyes staring into the void.

The air was thick with the unmistakable stench of decay, a putrid scent that lingered like a spectral presence. Flies swarmed, forming a ghastly halo around the putrefying remains, their incessant buzzing serving as a morbid soundtrack to the desolation.

Stepping out of the car alongside Shane, Natalie confronted the grim reality that awaited them. 

She instinctively covered her nose, attempting to shield herself from the overwhelming smell of rotten flesh. The acrid odour clawed at her senses, a reminder of the harsh truths that lurked within this post-apocalyptic world.

Shane, gripping his shotgun with an air of tense readiness, surveyed the ominous surroundings. Natalie, her gaze lingering on Shane, couldn't help but wonder about the whereabouts of her firearm. 

The silent exchange between them spoke volumes—a shared acknowledgement that even in the face of potential danger, they needed to be prepared for whatever challenges awaited within the foreboding walls of the C.D.C.   "All right, everybody. Keep moving." Shane whispered hushed towards everyone following Rick towards the doors. 

Natalie looked around with the bodies on the floor. "Iris" Lori called for her daughter putting her hand out already holding onto Carl behind her guiding the little boy. The dirty blonde-haired girl had followed along with this. Grabbing onto Carl's hand for his sake with the little boy holding onto her tightly. 

"All right, everybody. Keep moving." Shane spoke up leading the group towards the main entrance. "Stay quiet. Okay, keep moving."

He stood there walking backwards making sure everyone was in front of him. "Oh God," Glenn muttered cringing his face and walking next to the group. Natalie had put her hand on his shoulder as the two of them walked side by side. 

Ethan who was walking next to Daryl holding a shotgun inside of his hands. He kept it pointed at every Walker that he saw making sure they weren't going to get it. 

"There's nobody here." T-Dog huffs when they reach the doors. 

Shane and Rick both tried to open up the shutters but nothing budged. "Their machine managed" Natalie called forth as Shane hit the metal shutters that had to be opened from the inside. 

From the distance she had heard a growl causing everyone to turn. "Walkers!" Daryl yelled altering the group, the children that were around started to whimper holding onto one another. He begins shooting the walkers down before rushing towards Rick pointing at him. "You led us into a graveyard!"

Glenn had quickly tried to shush him to not alert any more Walkers if there was some. "He made a call." Shane hissed pushing Daryl away from Rick who began banging on the shutters blocking the entrance.

"It was the wrong damn call!" Daryl continued to shout. 

Shane was angered and in stress with Natalie never seeing him so anger went over shoving Daryl. "Shut up, shut up." Warning him sending him back a little bit. 

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