1.21; one man left behind

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                                                            The early morning unfolded with a gentle embrace of sunlight, its golden hues seeping through the fabric of the tents scattered across the campsite. 

The entire group was already a hive of activity, a symphony of rustling fabric and hushed conversations as they diligently dismantled their temporary shelters and packed belongings into the waiting cars. The camp, once bustling, now showed signs of imminent departure, with only a few tents standing resilient against the awakening day.

Natalie, a silent figure amidst the organized chaos, clutched a bag tightly against her chest. It was the same bag she hastily filled with clothes when the urgency to leave the safety of the house gripped them all. 

Her fingers grazed the fabric, a tangible reminder of the life she once knew, now reduced to the essentials carried in that simple bag.

Ducking her head as she navigated through the maze of tents, Natalie found herself standing before Shane's tent. A subtle sense of hesitation lingered in the air as she unzipped the entrance and slipped inside. 

The confined space was filled with the scent of canvas and anticipation, and she momentarily hesitated before proceeding.

Shane, having completed the task of packing his belongings, turned to face the tent's entrance, locking eyes with Natalie. His gaze lingered on the young woman who stood amidst the folds of the fabric, surrounded by a mixture of his scent and the remnants of a life they were leaving behind.

The tent, a temporary cocoon amid the changing world outside, held an intimate tension. Natalie, still clutching the bag, met Shane's gaze, and a silent exchange unfolded—a moment suspended in time, fraught with unspoken understanding.

The morning sunlight cast a warm glow, revealing the contours of uncertainty etched on both of their faces. The outside world, with its challenges and dangers, awaited beyond the confines of the tent. 

Yet, in that shared space, a silent acknowledgement of the bond forged in the crucible of survival lingered, as they prepared to face whatever lay ahead. "What happened yesterday, to change your mind?" Shane looked up confused about what she was talking about. "in the forest with Rick."  

"Oh, nothing-" Shaking his head and standing up from the makeshift bed. "Rick told me to trust my instinct and I think if the C.D.C. does have something then we should grab it, and then maybe go to Fort Bedding." 

Natalie stood looking up at him with her arms crossed as he unfolded her arms for her. "We need to get away from the infection not towards it." He instructed. "We're walking into the storm, Nat." 

Grabbing the side of her face; "Am I right?" Nodding her head slowly before stepping on her tippy toes and connecting their lips. Shane held onto her tightly grabbing onto her ass softly. "Now come on, the quicker we're done this the faster we can be on our way." 

Natalie had rubbed the side of her mouth ducking and walking out of the tent and going towards the group of people in the distance. Lori watched her walk out of the tent with Carl next to her learning and trying to tie a knot into rope inside of his hands. 

Walking over to the group as she handed her bag to Lori. "Thank you" Lori had simply said. "Rick's finishing a few things and then we'll be on our way." 

"You think this is the best option" Natalie questioned her mom for a second wanting to know her thoughts. 

"We're listening to your father Iris." She had finished between the two of them putting Natalie's bag inside the car they were driving. "Rick knows what he is doing...He survived out there for a reason." 

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