something to do (2)

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I wake up to find William missing from my side and he's nowhere in the room either. I throw back the covers and get out of bed. Stepping into the bathroom I walk towards the shower set in one corner. I strip and step under it before pressing the button.

Water starts to fall from the ceiling. It seems as if it's raining. You can't see the source of water but then you know where it's coming form.

Once I've changed into a pair of jeans and a white shirt, I leave the room and head to the dinning hall. It might seem weird that a royal is dressed so casually but I made William promise me that I wouldn't have to dress up unless there was a reason to. This he agreed to.

I meet several servants on my way. They courtesy and wish me good morning. I smile at each of them and reply to their greetings. I can't imagine that I was once in their position too.

When I step into the room, I find William seated at the table beside his father who has his nose buried in some papers.

William looks up from his plate when I walk in. "Good morning."

"Morning." I reply, sitting down across from him. A housemaid comes forward and sets down a plate in front of me. I thank her and then turn my attention towards it.

It has everything on it from toast to sausages to bacon. I help myself to some butter and spread it onto a toast before taking a bite. This is when Ronald speaks up.

"Well, I'll go get ready and then we have to meet with that minister today, remember?"

William nods. "Yeah, I remember."

Gathering up his papers the king leaves and now we're alone. I keep eating my toast and he drinks his coffee before breaking the silence.

"So, what are you going to do today?"

"Umm...I don't know. Maybe you could tell me something to do like you said on the plane." I tell him.

"I won't be able to help you in that area. You should try getting hold of Helen or Mitchell and see if they've got something for you." He says.

I nod. "Okay, I'll do that.""

After a few a butler enters and addresses my husband. "Sir, the king is waiting for you in the car. He's ready to go."

"Thank you. I'll be right there." He says, getting up.

Once the butler's leaves he walks over to me, I turn myself towards him to be met by a kiss. He kisses my forehead and then says. "See you later then."

"Bye!" I say and then he leaves.

I finish with breakfast and then call for a housemaid. When she appears I ask her about Helen's whereabouts. She instructs me to her office. So, that's where I go.

After a few minutes I knock on the office's door. I hear a chair scraping and then the tapping of heels before the knob turns and the door is opened.

"Cassandra! I mean, your highness." She at once corrects herself but I stop her. "Hi! And please call me Cassandra. A whole country calling me "your highness" is enough to give me a headache."

She smiles at this. "Alright then, Cassandra. What brings you here?"

"I wanted to ask if there was something I could do. I mean, I don't really know what a royal does in the palace so I was hoping if you could help me out." I tell her.

She thinks it over for a minute and then says. "I believe that the first thing you should do is get to know people who're going to be around you. I could get you the application forms of all the servants and then you could go through them. Would that work?"

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