unexpected visitors (19)

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I walk into the living room but come to a halt the moment I step in. I blink a couple of times because I can't believe what my eyes are showing me.

"Wh...You...'re...Dead." I stutter.

They both smile at me and his mother crosses her leg as she looks at my father. My breathing starts to hitch as he gets up and walks over to me.

"How can we be dead if we're here?" He asks.

"But...We all saw you...Die." A few tears slip out.

He reaches out and wipes them away before saying. "You were brave at your wedding when you did what I asked you to and walked down the aisle alone."

I sniff. "I just had to do it."

"You've made my son very happy." The lady behind him says interrupting us. I really don't know what to say so I just smile at her but then a thought strikes me making my smile fade.

"How did you get in without being seen?" I ask taking my father's hand.

"We have our own ways." He too smiles at me.

"Should I go get William? He'll we awfully happy to see you alive." I tell his mother.

"I know but we came to see you instead of him for a reason." She says. "Please, do take a seat."

"That was supposed to be my line." I mumble to myself.

But she hears me. "I might not be the queen and you're the princess but some habits are hard to let go of like asking someone to sit."

What is she saying?  I think to myself as dad sits down next to her and I take a seat opposite from them.

We all sit in silence for a few minutes before I remember my manners. "Would you like something to drink? Maybe some coffee?"

She gracefully shakes her beautiful head while dad says. "Thanks but no."

After some more silence I ask. "You said you came to see me for a reason?"

William's mother nods her head. "We did. But it can wait because I believe you have something on your mind that you want to ask your father."

This makes me realize that she right. I do want to ask him something, something that's bugged me ever since he left.

"You were married to mom for twenty five years. Were they all a lie?" I try to explain what I'm asking but he understands.

"Of course, not. I loved your mother till my last breath." He simply replies.

This makes me frown. "Then why did you risk your life by...You know?"

"I promise that I mean what I said that I loved your mother. But I never thought it was possible for someone to love two persons at once. No matter what she was always my first priority."

I scoff as tears reappear in my eyes. "That makes no sense."

"To you it might not but to me it makes all the sense." He tells me.

I stare at him for a few moments and then shake my head at him before turning to the woman next to him. "What about you? William's told me that you and your husband were always an odd couple."

She smiles at the ground as if thinking of something. "Yes, we were quite an odd couple. The polar opposites. But I guess opposite ends attract so we loved each other, truly."

"Okay. I can't understand what you two are saying." I say.

"I know." She just says which annoys me but I ignore it and ask. "What did you come see me for?"

"William." His mother says.

I'm confused. "What about him?"

"I want to discuss something that would cause a lot of trouble for the two of you in the future." She tells me.

"Trouble?" I ask even more confused.

She nods. "William has the tendency of being more reckless than anyone can ever imagine him to be."

Hearing her say this makes me give out a small laugh. "Do you even hear yourself? William is a prince, for God's sake! He's the most sensible person I can think of."

A fierce look crosses her eyes as she looks into my mine. "I spent twenty years with him and you've only known him for one year."

"Can you two please stop this and focus on the real cause?!" Father interrupts us.

She nods and gets up to come sit next to me. She takes one of my hand in hers and places the other one on my shoulder.

"Look, no matter what you'll always be my daughter-in-law. You always be my son's wife. So, it's my duty to let you know something where you might be making a mistake."

"Am I?" I ask, softly.

She nods and then squeezes my hand. "Just make sure that you don't let William do anything without thinking twice."

"But..." She cuts in as I start to speak. "You'll know what I mean when the time comes. Can I trust you that you'll be careful?"

I nod my head as she pulls me in for a hug and kisses my cheek before getting up and going to stand next to my father who has risen too. They start to walk out but she turns back all of a sudden.

"You and William are going to be parents, right?" She asks.

I nod my head, speechless. "But how did you find out? We haven't told anyone yet."

"Like we said, we have our own means." She winks at me and goes out leaving me alone with dad.

He shoves his hands into his pockets and smiles at me, making me smile back. "I'm really happy that I'm going to be a grandfather but it's such a pity that I'll never to get to meet the baby."


I blink as I open my eyes and I feel William shifting under me. I lift my head from William's lap and look around. I'm not in the living room. I'm in our bedroom.

"Was I here the whole time?" I sit up next to him on the bed.

He's watching the news with his back propped up against the head board. I prop up my back against my pillows as he replies.

"Yeah, you were asleep the whole time and then you started murmuring something that I couldn't hear but I didn't want to wake you up."

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. I want to tell him about the dream but for some reason I look over at him and I can't bring myself to do it.

He senses me looking at him and takes my hand before leaning over and kissing my forehead.

If you've read the royal and the housemaid then you'll know that I've used the word "unexpected" in a lot of chapter's names. I try to avoid doing that but somehow it just happens.

Any suggestions for the playlist??

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