excuse (47)

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I sit in my usual seat at the dining table. Across from me William's paying more attention to Rose than his breakfast.

"We need to get going in an hour." His father reminds him for what seems like the tenth time now.

William looks up from Rose. "I know. I know."

Ronald sets down his cup and leaves the room. I sigh and reach across the table for another toast. I'm half way through it when Rose starts to cry.

"Hey! What's wrong?" William coos, holding her against his shoulder.

"Uh! Will..." But before I can even finish saying his name, Rose burps and along with it out comes a spray of milk which lands on William's shoulder.

"Rosemary!" He exclaims, holding her away from him. She's stopped crying because the burp was bothering her and now it's out.

I start to push my chair back to take her from him but he says. "It's fine. I'll go change and take her with me. You should finish your breakfast."

"Okay." I nod, watching the two of the leave with a grin on my face.

I finish my toast and am almost done with my juice when a cry or more like screaming reaches my ears. At once I'm out of my seat, running up the stairs.

When I throw open the bedroom's door, she's in William's arms, who's rubbing her head with his hand.

"What happened?" I ask, taking her from him and kissing her head.

"I left her on the bed and she rolled over and..." He trails off.

"And she fell off the bed because you forgot that she's a baby." I finish for him.

"Something like that." He nods.

"Will!" I exclaim.

"Look, I'll make it up to her." He says, moving towards the door.

"How?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Wait and see." He winks at me before walking out.

I sigh and look down at Rose, who's still whimpering. "Hey, baby. Daddy can be an idiot right?"

"I heard that!" He shouts, making me jump.

"William!" I scream back and then we both double over laughing. When we sober down Rose it staring at me, tears still glistening in her eyes.

"Aww! Did we scare you baby?" I coo, kissing her cheek.

"Coming?" William asks. I nod and follow him down the stairs.

The king is waiting for him at the foot of the stairs, going through some papers. He looks up when we reach the last few stairs, saying.

"I said one hour."

"I heard you the first time but I can't go." He replies.

"Why?" Ronald and I both ask together.

He takes Rose from my arms and kisses her cheek. "She fell off the bed because of me and she deserves some quality time with me."

We both just stare at him.

"Come on! Don't I deserve a break?" William asks.

"Fine. Do whatever you want. Neglect your duties, whatever...I don't care. I'm leaving. It seems as if instead of Rosemary, you're the one who fell off the bed and lost his common sense." With this the king storms out the doors.

I have my lips pressed together to keep myself from laughing but the moment the door closes, I turn to William.

"You just used the excuse so that you didn't have to go!" I exclaim.

"Hey! She did fall off the bed." He speaks in his defense.

"You're unbelievable. Using your own daughter as an excuse so that you don't have to do something you don't want to do." I shake my head at him.

"And now like I said, I'm off to spend some time with my daughter." He says, going back up the stairs.

I sigh, watching him go.

"Nice!" I jump at the sound of Harrison behind me.

"What?" I ask, catching my breath.

"He really needs to come out of daddy mode and go back into prince mode." He shakes his head, waving the folder he has in his hand.

"I know." I nod.

"Now, what am I supposed to do?" He asks.

I start to shrug when something occurs to me. "Go out with Anna?"

"I would but unfortunately unlike me she has work to do." He tells me.

"Tell her she can have the day off and if there's anything to be done, just let me know." I say.

"Really?" He asks, surprised.

"Really." I reply.

With this he goes off to find his girlfriend and me off to find my husband and daughter.

Chapter 47 which means only three more chapters to go!

Before anything else, I'm going to say that I have the most supportive and the most enthusiastic readers anyone can ever have. All your comments make me smile like crazy :))

I am really truly thankful to have such AMAZING readers :')

Any suggestions for the playlist? Any song that reminds you of a character or an event from this story or it's prequel? If there is one then please do let me know! :)

Any questions and confusions? Please, do not hesitate to ask. I'll be more that happy to answer them and help you understand :)

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P.S. Thank you so much for the 145K reads and 4.4K votes! :)

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