lunch with a friend (15)

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I'm forced to wake up by a wave of nausea. I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom where I bend over the toilet and throw up. Once everything's out of my system I rinse my mouth and turn around to find William standing in the door way.

"Morning sickness?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

I nod my head. "Yeah."

He walks over to me and pulls me in for an embrace. I'm two weeks along in my pregnancy though I just found out a week ago.

"This is the first time it's happened and I can't imagine going through it for nine whole months." I groan into his shirt.

He rubs my back and kisses my head. "Don't worry. We're going to get through this."

I pull away and run a hand through my hair to flatten it down since I ran here straight from bed. He takes my hand and leads me back to the room. I sit down on the bed's edge while he stands in front of me.

"You know, I drove myself to the hospital that day." I announce.

He looks at me with a smile on his face. "See! I told you I was a good teacher."

"A teacher is no good if the student is not brilliant." I reply.

"Oh really?" He asks, pulling me up from the bed and into his arms. I giggle as he kisses my cheek, then my nose and then finally presses his lips to mine. I stop laughing and press a hand to his cheek to keep his face near me.

But he pulls away, kissing my forehead. "I should go get ready for work." I sigh and nod my head in understanding as he goes back into the bathroom and closes the door behind him.

I get back into bed and pull the covers up to my chin. By the time he comes back out sleep is already taking over me. I feel him kiss my head before leaving.


When I step out of the shower my phone starts to ring. I check the caller ID to see that it's Sophie. I haven't talked to her since I got back.

I press answer and hold it to my ear. "Hey Sophie!"

"Cassy! It's so good to hear your voice again." She squeals making me laugh.

"I know. What made you call all of a sudden?" I ask her.

"I was wondering if you were free this afternoon." She says.

I go over my plans for the day to see that my afternoon is free. "Yeah, I am. Do you want to meet me for lunch somewhere?"

"That's exactly what I had in mind. Where do you want me to meet you?" She asks.

"Umm...How about Pasta Heaven?" I suggest.

"Sure." She replies and after a few more minutes of talking she ends the call. I set the phone back down and realize that my body's dried on its own, so I change into clothes and then go stand in front of the mirror.

I run a hand through my hair to try and shake out some water. It's a habit I developed when I was a child. Every time I did this dad used to that I looked like a puppy shaking its fur to dry off.

The memory makes me smile and my eyes roam down to my stomach. It's flat as if there's no baby inside it but I know that it's there. I gently place a hand over it and sigh.

William and I agreed that we would keep this hidden for the first three months at least. Till I don't start to show and after that we'll tell everyone. But for now it's a wonderful little secret that just the two of us know.

I go back to shaking my hair. After a few minutes I leave the room to get started with the day.


The driver stops the car outside the restaurant and steps out of the car. I open my bag and pull out my glasses which I slip on and then get out.

I run a hand through my hair as I walk across the sidewalk to the entrance doors. I push open one of doors and step in. It's the same as I remember it from last time.

"Cassy!" A voice calls out. I turn around to find Sophie standing behind me.

"Hey!" I greet her as we embrace.

"A table for two please." I say to the waitress who's waiting for us to finish our reunion.

We're lead over to a table next to the large window. It's the same one William rejected. But I gladly sit down because it'll give me an excuse to keep my glasses on. I don't want to get into any awkward situations when William's not with me.

"What're you going to get?" Sophie asks me.

I don't even open my menu. "An Alfredo. What 'bout you?"

"Is it good?" She asks.

"Yes, I've had it before and it's pretty good." I reply.

"Alright then. I'll get them same thing." She tells the waitress who walks away after taking our drinks order.

"Is Anna going to join us?" I ask her.

"No. She wanted to but she had to be on duty, so she couldn't make it." She explains.

"Oh! She should've told me. I could've let her have some time off." I say.

The waitress comes back with our drinks and we both stop talking. She sets down a Cokes in front of both of us and then leaves.

Sophie rests her hands on the table and leans forward. "Listen, we need to talk about the guy my sister's dating."

"Harrison?" I ask, taking a sip.

"Yeah, him."

"What do you want to discuss?" I ask, not sure about where this conversation is headed.

She sighs. "Look, my family doesn't believe in love. My parents' marriage was arranged and I've never dated my entire life."

"So?" I ask, still confused.

"So, Anna is the first person to break that "tradition" and well, we're worried that she'll throw herself into some mess that can't get out of." She explains.

I get what she's trying to say. "Sophie. Harrison's a great guy. He would never hurt her. I can guarantee that. As for a little different, everyone deserves a little freedom to do what they want once in a while."

She nods. "That's true."

The waitress comes back with our order and after that we talk about everything except Annabelle and Harrison.

The first suggestion for the playlist was made by Nancy_2110. She suggested 'lights' by Ellie Goulding. Thank you so much Nancy for contributing :) Anyone else with a song in mind, please do share it with me since the idea was to make a playlist with several songs and not just one.

The story has reached 8.9K reads! Thank is almost 9K. I love you guys for this :)

It also went up to no. 77 in the rankings :)

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P.S. I promise that the story will get interesting :)

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