aunt and shopping (27)

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I straighten my shirt as I step out of the car.

The tall building with the same name "Blake Ltd." Glistens in the sun. Pushing my sunglasses into my hair I walk to the glass doors which slide open before me.

The busy atmosphere inside the building is quite evident from the serious expressions, hurry people and the people squinting at computer screens.

Already knowing the way I make my way to the corridor where I know his office is. During the process several people stop to stare at me. I am pretty sure that these people were here when I worked for this company. But they're still staring.

I'm saved from the stares when a voice calls out. "Princess Cassandra! What an honor to see you again!"

I turn around to find Helen standing behind me. It has been a long time since I last saw her.

"Hey Helen!" I call back as she comes to stand in front of me.

"I'm really happy for you." She says, smiling at me.

At first I don't know what's she's talking about but then one of the babies' shifts, making my hand automatically move to my stomach. It also makes me realize what she just said.

"Oh! Thank you so much." After a moments pause I ask. "Is William in his office?"

"Yes, he is. I'll let you go now." With this she goes back to her work and I move on.

When I stop in front of William's office door, I raise my hand to knock but at that very moment the door is thrown open and of all people, Molly marches out!

Seeing me standing there she spins around and then pointing a finger towards me says. "My poor William! Just because you have my nephew under your influence doesn't mean that..."

She cut off by someone behind me. "Don't you dare talk to my wife like that!"

William puts an arm around my shoulders and draws me to his side. Molly stares at him in shock. Finally managing to speak, she exclaims.

"Is this how you talk to your aunt?!"

"If the aunt snaps at my wife then yes, I will talk to you like I just did."

I stare at William in surprise. The last time I saw him angry was over the dinner but that was nothing compared to how furious he is now. It seems as if he's ready to slap Molly. But for some reason I feel proud that my husband loves me to the extent that he's defending me.

"I'm going to talk to your father about this." She threatens as she walks away from us.

"Go ahead!" William calls out after departing figure.

He pulls me into his office and closes the door after us. It is exactly the same as I remember it to be. He pulls me into a hug and sighs into my hair.

"I'm really sorry about that."

I pull away and gently place a hand on his cheek. "Hey! It's nothing to worry about." After a moment's pause I ask. "Though, why was she here?"

He sighs and leans back against his desk.

"She...She came to "try" to persuade me to divorce you." He runs a hand through his hair as he sighs again.

I let go of my breath which I didn't know that I had been holding. So, this is why he was so furious.

"Why can't she just leave us alone?" I ask him.

Yet, he sighs once more. "That is a very good question. Unfortunately, she is only one who can answer it."

I nod my head in understand as I look down at the wooden floor.

"But hey!" William says making my head snap up. "You promised that you won't let her get to you and I promised to remain by your side. Remember?"

"'Yeah." I whisper.

He puts his arms around me. "Just don't forget that and she can't bother us."

The real purpose of my visit suddenly strikes me, making me say. "I don't think today is a good day to..."

But William cuts in. "We are going no matter what."


William stops the car outside Baby "R" Us and I step out.

I step onto the sidewalk and wait for William to catch up. He falls into step next to me as he puts on his sunglasses. He puts an arm around my shoulders as we walk up to the glass doors.

He removes his arm and holds open the door for me. I step inside and look around the store when a salesman appears out of nowhere with his hands clasped.

"Princess Cassandra! How may I help you today?"

"It would be very much appreciated if you do not make our presence known to everyone in the shop." William says from beside me.

The salesman understands and nods. "Of course, sir."

"What can I help you with?" He asks again, turning to me.

"Umm...Thank you but I know my way around." I tell him as I step away and confidently make my way towards an aisle.

"Do you actually know that way around?" William asks, pulling out his phone which is ringing.

"No, but I just wanted to get rid of the man because I could see that he was annoying you." I reply.

Smiling, William attends the call and hold the phone to his ear. I continue walking down the aisle with my husband right behind me.

For a few minutes we just wander around aimlessly looking for something that would spark our interest. I walk into the toys section. A teddy bear catches my eye. I walk to the shelf and lift it off. After looking at it for a moment, I turn to Will with the stuffed toy in my hand.

"What do you think?" I ask him still looking down at the bear.

"It's cute. As cute as our babies will be." The comment makes me blush at first but then I exclaim. "Hey! My babies will not look like a teddy bear!"

Smirking, William starts walking away. "Did you actually come here with something you wanted to buy in your mind?"

I clutch the toy to my chest as I shake my head. "No. Not really."

With this the aimless wandering continues.

If you have any suggestions for this chapter's name then please do let me know because I couldn't think of one! I will change it as soon as I'm able to think of a good one.

This chapter was meant to be a baby shower chapter but I tried writing it twice but the chapters were no good, so I altered it a bit and this was the end result, I hope you all like it.

The Helen mentioned in this chapter is different from the first one, if you've read the Royal & the Housemaid then you'll know who she is and where the story is taking place. If there is anything about this chapter that you don't understand then please do not hesitate in asking me because I'll be more than pleased to answer all your questions.

Another thing that I wanted to tell you was that the songs for the playlist do not have to be necessarily recent they can be really old as long as they fit an event, character or either of the two stories. So, please recommend.

Also, only one person commented on the previous chapter so please do comment and give me your feedback. I'm not the type of author who snaps at people for commenting "update." If you comment that it means that you actually like the story and want to read more. Just leave some feedback please!

Read, Vote & Comment!

P.S. Happy Halloween! :)

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