not for long (49)

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The guards lining the walls stand motionless. I too sit still, breathing slowly as I watch my husband pace back and forth before me. He's the only restless, moving object in the hospital corridor.

After a few more minutes I reach out and grab his hand. He starts to pull it away but I say.

"Exhausting yourself isn't going to help anyone."

He flops down on the plastic chair next to mine, resting his elbows on his knees. He's just so sad and restless. I want to help him in any way possible but I can't really think of any way except to be here for him right now.

Just as the next set of guards arrive to replace the ones already standing on duty, my phone starts to ring.

"Is everything alright?" I ask Anna.

"Yeah. I just wanted to tell you that Rose is asleep and I'm heading home for a couple of hours. But Sophie's here and I'll be back before she wakes up." Anna explains.

"Alright. Thanks." I reply, ending the call.

The elevator dings announcing its arrival and out steps the last person either of us wants here right now.


"Oh! My dear, William!" She cries sitting down on his other side making him jump up as if someone pricked him with a needle.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, clearly frustrated.

"I'm here to check on my brother and nephew. You both are going through a rough patch." She replies in a dramatic voice.

"Well, thank you but I have my wife here to support me." He replies, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"That was exactly what I was worried about." She says, sighing.

"What?" William asks just as my eyebrows shoot up.

She stands up and then looks down at me. "Well, you can't trust such low class girls who only care about money to actually..."

"SHUT UP!" William's voice rings through the corridor making me and a few guards flinch.

"Will." I try to calm him down but this time she's really done it.

"Just because you're my aunt does not give you the right to create a hell lot of a problems for my family nor nearly kill me! So, now get the fuck out of here or I'll have to force you!" William glares at her, breathing heavily.

Being the woman that she is who loves her self-respect more than family turns on her heel and heads back into the elevator being held open by a guard.

I watch the doors close and then I return my eyes to Will...

"William!" I scream just as he hits the wall with his fist and then clutches it as it starts to hurt. In a second I'm out of my seat standing next to him with a hand on his arm.

"Here let me see it." I say, softly taking his hand in mine.

He winces as I twist it gently. "I'm sorry." He says.

"You don't have anything to apologize for." I tell him.

He pulls his hand away only to envelope me in a hug. I snuggle into his shirt and focus on my breathing. After a moment I pull away, saying.

"You should have someone look at your hand."

"It's nothing." He says, kissing my forehead making me sigh.

I turn around when a door opens and a doctor steps out of the king's room.

"Sir, he's awake." The doctor announces.

I feel William's energy boost up as he hears this and then looks at me for confirmation. I touch is arm as if to say go, he's telling the truth.

As William disappears into the room, I stay back to give them a few minutes alone but I wish I had gone in with him because of what follows.

The doctor takes a step towards me. "May I please talk to you for a second, princess?"

"Sure." I nod.

"I felt that I should tell you first." He starts.

"Tell me what?" I ask.

"The king's condition is very unstable. He's started missing heartbeats." He says.

"So?" I ask, confused.

"He might have only have minutes left. If he's lucky maybe he'll survive for ten minutes. But that's the maximum he'll be able to hold on."

Tears stream down my cheeks. "What?" I whisper. "But he's awake."

"Not for long." The doctor shakes his head.

I don't know how to process this. William thinks his father is going to survive and he's in there with him right now. But he's going to die. Now, or in ten minutes. Either ways he's going to die.

I step past the doctor into the room to find William sitting on bed's edge holding his father's hand. No matter how much they argued, no matter how many things they disagreed upon. He's still his father.

More tears spill out and my body starts to shake and as I sob. Through the tears I barely hear the heart monitor beeping, telling us that the king's life is over. Ronald is dead.

At first William keeps looking at his father, his limp hand in his. Then he springs up and rushes towards the door when he realizes that I'm standing there.

"I need to call a doctor!" He exclaims.

"William, he's gone." I try to tell him.

"NO HE'S NOT!" He screams, making me flinch as he rushes out of the room and then comes back with the doctor who only tells him the same thing I did.


It's been a month since Ronald's death. During this short period of time, thousands of people have visited his mausoleum, commoners and officials alike. But as the time went by fewer and fewer people visited. But now that hardly anyone visits on a Monday, there's one person who does every week, his son, William.

I stop the car outside the mausoleum and the escort cars stop behind me. Unbuckling my seatbelt I step out of the car and then get Rose out of her car seat.

She snuggles into my shirt as I head towards the entrance and step through the huge oak doors. I know that William's here because of the large amount of guards stationed outside.

When I step inside there is no one there except him, he's sitting on a bench staring at the tomb in the center which has Australia's flag and royal seal painted over it.

I sit down next to him and then adjust Rose so that she's comfortable.

I hear him sigh as he turns to look at me. He takes his daughter from my arms and kisses her cheek then puts an arm around my shoulders, leaning his head against mine.

Second last update! Only one more chapter to go! (Unbelievable.)

Quick Reminder: I'm going to upload the last chapter on Sunday, 28 February 2016.

Any last suggestions for the playlist? Please! Any songs you can think of?

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P.S. It's been two whole weeks since The Royal & The Housemaid has been out of the rankings :(

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