press conference (4)

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"Cassandra!" I turn around to find Mitchell hurrying towards me.

I give her a small wave. "Hi! I was wondering where you were since I have no idea what's going on."

She seems out of breath. "Sorry, I had to run a few errands and by the time I finished I saw that I was already late and-"

I raise my hands to stop her. "It's alright. Everyone gets late once in a while."

"Right! Thank you. Well, here's the thing. Since this is your first ever press conference all the attention will be on you. Even if you're being spoken to or not still all eyes will be on you. So, I advice you that you stay alert to avoid uncomfortable circumstances. Okay?"

I nod. "Alright but will be it be aired live or not?"

She shakes her head. "No. Press conferences of this sort are not aired. This more like a question and answers session."

I look around and the people bustling around. "And how many people will there be in the audience?"

"Not more than a hundred." She tells me.

I smile at her and try to cover up my uneasiness. A hundred! What if I messed up? What if I walked in and tripped and fell? What if-

I'm snapped out of it by William's arrival. "Nervous?"

I decide to act brave. "No! I'm quite confident. Mitchell just told me what to do, so I'm good."

He raises an eyebrow and just looking at his gorgeous face makes the walls I built come crashing down and I exclaim.

"Fine! I'm not confident! Not at all! And I'm as nervous as hell!"

He smiles at me. "Well, then what I'm about to tell you will be good news because you don't have to speak." I raise an eyebrow to make sure and he says. "Not a single word."

"Really?" I ask suddenly really happy.

He nods his head making me squeal in delight. I throw my arms around him and hug. I bury my face in his shoulder and murmur. "Thank you! You're a life savor!"

He pulls away and touches my face as I kiss him. The moment we pull away a man appears with a clip board in hand and says.

"Sir, thirty seconds."

William nods and dismisses him before turning back to me. "Ready?"

I sigh. "I guess."

He takes my hand and leads me towards a pair of double doors. Two guards hold them open for us as we walk through and I find myself in a huge conference room. There are chairs filled with people facing a longer table set with chairs and microphones.

William leans down and whispers in my ear. "You can sit with me or with the people. Your choice, whatever makes you comfortable."

I nod and pull away my hand then make my way to the two empty chairs in the very front row. The moment I sit down, Mitchell appears by my side. I look towards the front at William who has Harrison next to him and a couple to men in suits, probably some officials.

Harrison leans forward and speaks into his microphone.

"Before we begin it would be very much appreciate it if the questions asked are directed towards Prince William or the rest of us. Princess Cassandra is present but she won't be answering any questions. Let's begin."

I sit up straighter in my chair and take a deep breath as a voice from behind me speaks.

"Your highness what plans do you have in mind for the rest of this year. Your father has refused to leak any details but we have concluded that something big is underway, can we hope for anything more?"

William rests his elbows on the table. "You predicted right there is a project underway but my father kept details hidden for good measure and I'm afraid I have to do the same. So, sorry."

The questions keep coming and are answered. I just sit there listening to them talk. After some time, Mitchell leaves me and I sit alone for a while before she comes back. When she sits back down she offers me a bottle of water, which I gratefully take.

I'm twisting the empty water bottle in my hand when a question makes my head snap up. It's a female talking.

"I know that we've been instructed not to ask the princess questions but I have something in mind about which the whole world is curious."

Harrison starts to object but I nudge Mitchell and she says. "Please continue, she's listening."

I sense William's eyes on me but I keep listening to the question.

"Everyone's curious about why the prince married a commoner when he could have married any girl he desired."

I wait to make sure that she's done speaking and then choose my words carefully before speaking loudly.

"Well, I guess that is more of a question for him than me." I look up at William who's looks at me for a moment and then says.

"The only answer I can give you is because I love her. We met before she got the job in the palace but at that time we were too grieve stricken to notice each other and when I did notice her, I knew at once that she's the one I had been waiting for."

I feel a tear slide down my cheek and hastily wipe it away remembering what Mitchell said. The rest of the conference passes without anything eventful happening. The moment Harrison announces that it's over I shoot out of my seat and walk out of the back door.

I pace back and forth with Mitchell standing near me, as I wait for him to come out.

After what seems like forever the doors open and the officials start to trickle out. They are closely followed by Harrison who at once walks away with Mitchell.

After a few minutes the doors open again and William walks out followed by a couple of guards.

Instead of refraining myself I throw my arms around his neck and bury my face into his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me and we stay like that for sometime because I start crying. I pull away sniffing and he presses his forehead to mine.

"I know what you're thinking. And the answer is yes, I meant every word I said." I smile through the tears and kiss him. He kisses my forehead and wipes away the tears.

"I love you." I tell him.

He kisses my cheek and then holds my gaze. "I love you more."

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