"talking" to mom (35)

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I pull on a black dress which hugs my pregnant tummy. I've gotten so used to wearing William's shirts and hoodies that now it seems strange to wear a dress again. I sigh and take a few steps towards the mirror, trying to make myself comfortable.

After a minute I give up and go into the closet to look for something else to wear. In the end I'm wearing a white silk top with black pants and a black coat. At least it's not a dress. I brush my hair and let it hang loose around my shoulders. I'm putting away my make up when William walks into the room.

He had a meeting with some of his advisors, here in the palace. He takes off his tie and tosses it onto the couch before sitting down next to it. I close my make up drawer and turn towards him. He has his eyes close which makes me worry.

"Are you alright?" I ask, making him open his eyes and nod. "Just a little tired."

I heave a sigh of relief. I thought his arm was hurting again. It hurt him a lot two nights ago. There came a point when I though he'd start sobbing like a little child and then I'd have to put him to sleep but he didn't.

I pick up my phone and slide it into my pocket, saying. "I'm ready to go."

He gets up and walks towards the door while I take one last look at myself in the mirror before going after him.


The driver stops the car outside the glass door of the building's entrance. Will walks around to my side and helps me out. I straighten my top as the doors slide open and we walk in.

The murmur of several people talking at once greets me mixed with a light tune playing from the sound system. I looking around at the people when I feel an arm go around my shoulders.

"Come on. I want you to meet someone."

With this he takes my hand and leads me through the people, stopping here and there at random and greeting some of them. Finally he stops in front of a man about the same age as us.

"Ryan!" William calls out making him turn around and a smile appears on his face.

"William! It's been so long since I last saw you!" With this he envelopes William in a hug.

When they pull away William motions towards me. "This is Cassandra."

"Hi!" I say, holding out my hand which he shakes, saying. "You're nothing like William described you to be."

I turn to my husband with mock surprise on my face. "I would love to hear what you had to say."

"Ryan and I are childhood friends. We grew up together, our fathers were practically brothers. But then he moved to London and we lost contact." William tells me.

"That doesn't answer my question." I say.

Ryan laughs. "When we were...I don't know ten?" William nods and he continues. "We used to imagine what our wives would be like. And he always used to describe his as a Victoria's Secret model."

"What?" I laugh as William's face goes red.

"Come on. I'll introduce to mine." He says walking away.

I smirk at William before following Ryan through the crowd with William right behind me. He stops and I step around him to see that he stopped in front of a couch. A woman in a black dress stands up.

"This is my wife, Amy." He introduces us.

"Hi! I'm Cassandra." I say as we embrace.

"Of course I know who you are. Seriously, everyone does." Then she at once adds. "By the way, congratulations!" She says, yet pulling me in for another hug. She was definitely a hugger.

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