the orphanage project (18)

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I look at myself one last time in the mirror. A plain light blue silk top with white pants and a watch that was one of my many wedding presents. I'm forced to wear flats these days to avoid the risk of a miscarriage.

William's orphanage project is launching today. Those three months flew by so fast and so did the second month of my pregnancy. It's the first of March which means the first day of my third month. I'm starting to show if I wear tight clothes but in loose ones I look normal.

"Ready to go?" William asks walking up to me.

I nod. "Yeah. How're you feeling?"

He wraps his arms around me. "Amazing that I'm going to help children and that you're going to be there by my side."

I hug him tightly. "I'm proud of you."

After a few minutes we pull away. "Let's go." William says taking my hand and leading the way to his car.

The orphanages are opening up all across the country but William and I are going to be visiting the one here in Canberra. His father is in Sydney, so he'll be visiting the one there and other officials will be checking the ones in their areas.

The exterior of the building looks just like something out of a child's dream. It looks like it's made of blocks which have different things drawn on them.

"Wow! Just the exterior looks amazing." I comment making William smile. "Thanks. I can't wait for you to see the inside."

But our progress is delayed because more people than were expected have turned up and the road leading up to the main entrance is completely blocked, so there is no way we can get near enough in a car.

A guard hurries up to William's side as he rolls down the window.

"Why're there so many people?" William asks.

"Several channels have been interviewing the crowd and from what we've been able to gather they're here to show their appreciation for this project and..." He trails off.

"And what?" Will urges.

"Some of them said that they wanted a glimpse of you and the princess as a couples since you haven't been seen together in public since that premiere."

I groan and William turns to me. "I guess we don't have any option but to walk from here. Are you fine with that?"

I nod. "As long as you're able to clear a path." I motion towards the sea of people which seems to be growing with every minute.

The guard consults some of his companions and then returns to us.

"Give us ten minutes and we'll try and clear away some space." He says.

William thanks him and rolls the window back up.

"When are the children being brought here?" I ask William.

"Pretty much all of the ones from major ones are here but one group is still on their way." He replies looking at the people in front.

"Do you have any estimate on how many will be staying here?"

He nods still not looking away. "About five hundred here and in all other major cities. The least count in the smaller towns is a hundred but it's still quite high."

I sigh and shake my head. "No matter how much comfort they might have I don't think that parents can ever be replaced." I look at him. "I guess, we're living examples of that because we've been through it."

This makes him look away from the front and towards me. He looks at me for a moment, pain evident on his face before he takes my hand and kisses it.

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